A.I. - the girls have it

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Jan 13, 2005
This season's American Idol is dominated by the girls, and it seems almost certain that this season's winner will likely be a girl. The guys have been quite disappointing, although a couple have started to emerge the last couple of weeks. But the singing talent among the girls is outstanding.
Tom, I know you are wise beyond your years... But haven't you realized the two things will never happen again?

1) A republican will never again be elected as president, and
2) A girl will never again win American Idol

Tom, you shocked me for a moment with your "A. I. - the girls have it".  Being an old large animal veterinarian... A. I. meant Artificial Insemination to me. I am glad that I read "The Rest of the Story".

When I saw A.I. I thought we were talking basketball. I run A.I. drills with my varsity girls basketball team which is a fundamental drill.

Gary RV Roamer said:
And here I thought it was Artificial Intelligence? Maybe I've been reading too many sci-fi novels...

+2... we even had an AI Lab back in the day...
I don't watch AI however I do watch DWTS and it starts on Monday. I hope my favorite couple will be dancing this season.


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I never realized mature adults watched those shows, or the "reality" type things.
I'm pretty quick on the draw (with the remote) when they come on the TV.

What the heck is the allure??
jmugs said:
I never realized mature adults watched those shows, or the "reality" type things.
I'm pretty quick on the draw (with the remote) when they come on the TV.

What the heck is the allure??
DWTS is not a reality show. It is a popularity contest. I can't imagine why I watch it. All these beautiful young ladies with perfect bodies dancing around with almost nothing on. How disgusting...

Seriously, I have been a dancer all my life and I really love watching dancing. I have seen all the old Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly and John Travolta movies. DWTS features some of the best dancing I have ever seen. And Tom Bergeron is one of the funniest guys ever. His ad libs are priceless.
As a singer, I enjoy and appreciate musical talent. I don't particularly like the goofy comments from judges, I dislike the frenzied audiences, and I don't participate in the dumb voting system. But I enjoy watching young folks develop and grow musically and improve their performance skills from week to week.

My other half is a natural dancer, but I couldn't dance if my life depended on it. She watches all the DWTS shows while I watch or do something else.

We record these shows so we can watch them at will and skip the ads.
I have two left feet when it comes to dancing. I can see the youth developement aspect, maybe its the goofy judge thing that gets me.

The sexy girls are certainly some fine eye candy on the commercials for those shows, but then, I'm just a dirty old man (or so Margie says).

I have a buddy who watches all the "reality" shows I mentioned, like Survivor and such. Can't stand those at all.
... "reality" shows ... like Survivor and such. Can't stand those at all.

Same here.

I have two left feet when it comes to dancing.

I used to describe myself that way, but came to realize that "an elephant with 4 left feet" was a more accurate description  :(
Well guys, its fun cruising the Forum with my coffee, but I have a yard sale to attend to today.

Most often I find myself here and ignoring the TV. However, there was a PBS show this morning that caught my attention. Neil Young, Crosby, and the group with commentary from other singers and producers. I like that era of rock and 50s music.
But, now I've gone off topic (shame on me).

Have a great day.
jmugs said:
Well guys, its fun cruising the Forum with my coffee, but I have a yard sale to attend to today.

Most often I find myself here and ignoring the TV. However, there was a PBS show this morning that caught my attention. Neil Young, Crosby, and the group with commentary from other singers and producers. I like that era of rock and 50s music.
But, now I've gone off topic (shame on me).

Have a great day.

Speaking of musicianship and PBS... Austin City Limits is the best show on TV. I don't think I have ever not really enjoyed any artist that they put on there. For me, right now, Alabama Shakes is a great band that I discovered via ACL.

I do like American Idol - probably for the same reasons as Tom. I am a musician and singer, and I think I can really accurately dissect any performance. I used to be almost spot on with Simon. Say what you will, he called it like he heard it. Sometimes up can coming artists need to hear an honest critique, as hard as that might be.

That Angela Miller is the real deal. Her original song could be commercially viable right now. Regardless of how far she goes - she will have a contract, and will make it. I love Candace, too - very soulful and super talented. The only other contestant this year that impressed me was that guy from Louisiana.

No disagreement on Angie, Candice and Curtis being the top 3. A couple of the other girls are pretty good. Lazaro is an interesting guy, and it's amazing that there's no sign of his speech impediment when he sings.
Tom said:
No disagreement on Angie, Candice and Curtis being the top 3. A couple of the other girls are pretty good. Lazaro is an interesting guy, and it's amazing that there's no sign of his speech impediment when he sings.

Yeah, there is also not sign of the appropriate key, either...  :p Since he is "votefortheworst.com"s horse in the race, I expect him to stick around for a while. That is unfortunate, because although he has a great, uplifting story - he can't sing as well as the others. Curtis was a victim of this. He should have NOT been voted out in the first week. He was super talented, in a very Luther Vandross kinda way.


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