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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I see we agree on punishing the employers that break the law by hireing illegals.  I'm in full agreement and have no problem with jail time for those hireing illegals.  Fact is I think the CEO of those companies should also serve the time.
quasi said:
The primary motivating participant in this affair was the agricultural lobby. There weren't enough Mexicans to harvest the lettuce crop and the US agribusiness interests went ballistic.

(putting away soapbox)

And in the areas where they "have to have the illigal labor" how many people are on the unemployment rolls? I think to draw unemployment you have to accept any job available. If the job doesn't pay as much as unemployment then the state makes up the differance.

Alaskansnowbirds said:
quasi said:
The primary motivating participant in this affair was the agricultural lobby. There weren't enough Mexicans to harvest the lettuce crop and the US agribusiness interests went ballistic.

(putting away soapbox)

And in the areas where they "have to have the illigal labor" how many people are on the unemployment rolls? I think to draw unemployment you have to accept any job available. If the job doesn't pay as much as unemployment then the state makes up the differance.

And how many caucasians or blacks do you know who would be either willing or able to do the back-breaking labor of lettuce harvesting, cultivating strawberries, and other stoop labor, etc.?  Without the illegals the ag business would grind to a quick halt.  IMHO the "illegals" should be given green cards and picked up at the border crossings each morning, taken to the fields to work, and then returned to the border each afternoon/evening.
I the labors are given green cards then they would not be illegals.  I have no problem with the ones that come across the boarder legally to work and there are provisions just for that.  But lawbreakers that includes those crossing the boarder illegally should not be allowed to stay or work even 1 hour unless it is in a prison while they are being processed to be returned across the boarder.  This country has been under invasion by illegal border crossings for years and our government has been flat on their backside for allowing it to happen.  The bottom line is it has cost the american tax payer millions and now it is our biggest secuity threat even though Washington won't admit it.  Sorry Don I just can't agree on letting anybody cross our borders illegally and be rewarded with gainful employment.  I also believe anybody employing illegals should be punished including heavy fines and prison time.
We move one way and Europe moves another.  True effective border security can never happen.  We should have open borders and spend all the resources we waste in the current efforts in making more efficent - the background check system and improving relations with all nations and religions so the terrorists have no reason to invade us.  As I said - there never, never will be any way to seal the borders.  Even with the Minuteman maning the border at one quarter mile intervals along 20 miles of the AZ border - they are still coming through.  Daisy and I saw about 20 on Thursday that were being head under a bridge on Interstate 19, north of Nogalas.  They must have come across in a van on I-19 at a border crossing.  Yuma is having problems at the Marine Base and has had to stop training excercises some 500 times this year so far because of people on the ranges.  I know the Border Patrol is not working to max as there were 37 border patrol vehicles parked at the station in Sonita on RT 82 on Thursday.  This is many miles north of the border crossing.  At the check station on AZ 90, north of  Sierra Vista and about 45 miles north of the border some 15 or 20 agents were standing around chatting. 

It has been reported that few if any border patrol vehicles have GPS.  Storys are appearing that when citizens report in sightings and give coordinates - the border patrol wanders around the desert like being lost. 

PS Where is the spell check?

Open borders - equal living standards - factories on both sides of the borders [Canada/USA/Mexico] working together and keep China from taking over everything.  China is our economic enemy - not Mexico, not Canada, not South America.
Where is the spell check?
Fred, spell check is turned on here, but it requires that the host install a particular item of software. Our host won't install it because it can cause their servers to crash. sells dictionaries at a good price  :)

Spell checking is now active.
Big article in the Sunday Sierra Vista Hearld that says again - all persons entering the United States will have a passport or Visa.  It talks of numbers of new clerks to handle requests, personal to conduct background checks, persons at the border to check the passport and of the million who cross the borders daily.

Going to be a fight about this one.
There was an interesting article in yesterday's Phoenix Republic reprinted from the NY Times. It seems the contribution of the "illegals" to the so-called Social Security crisis is over $7 billion a year. There has been enough enforcement of documentation of new hires so that most working "illegals" today show Social Security numbers and other paperwork in order to be hired (the employers are not expected to be expert forgery detectors and only need to see documentation). Documentation packages can be bought on the street for about $150. The "illegal" then goes to work in for a legitimate employer in a legitimate job.

Of course payroll taxes, Social Security taxes and Medicare are deducted from the paycheck. However, since the "illegal" doesn't have a real Social Security number and doesn't anticipate being in the States when it is time to retire, all those taxes just flow into the government coffers without having to be paid back.  $7 BILLION a year for Social Security alone, about $1.5 billion for Medicare and who knows how much for withheld taxes. The "illegals" just consider the withholdings as a cost of doing business.

Maybe we should let more "illegals" in and solve our fiscal deficits :D :D

fredethomas said:
Big article in the Sunday Sierra Vista Hearld that says again - all persons entering the United States will have a passport or Visa.  It talks of numbers of new clerks to handle requests, personal to conduct background checks, persons at the border to check the passport and of the million who cross the borders daily.

Going to be a fight about this one.

There are two passport issues - the one that started this thread i.e. crossing US border from CA/MX and what this article probably refers to.  The fact that all new passports issued by foreign governments must contain applicants biometric data or the person wishing to enter must have a visa. Valid passports issued before the cutoff date remain usable. The US has extended the time for foreign governments to issue these passorts but the extension is not going to be met by a number of couniires including the UK which is one of the heaviest travelers to US. The reason for the delay is that the EU decided to use a very advanced technology (in terms of reliablility) that is able to read the passport while someone is simply walking by - the same technology places like Wal-Mart are using for inventory - often refrred to as RIFD (Radio Frequency Identifcation)  The EU is asking for another extension to avoid the millions who met be caught up in this but the US is balking. Saying the EU shouldn't have tried to meet the biometric requirement while at same time trying to introducing  the needless complexity of RFID when it isn't yet a fully debugged technology. The political situation is that this requirement is a law passed in wake of 911 Commission and Senate is balking at changing. 
Unworkeable, unenforceable, and uneconomical. That's what this whole passport thing is. Passports are like locks - they keep honest people honest. A crook will possess the lock pick, and an illegal will gain entry with or without a passport. Any security technology that the EU comes up with can be broken. That was proven time and time again with the encryption schemas that Hollywood tried to eliminate DVD copying. Besides, the greatest danger to our country isn't going to be flying in first-class with hundreds of pounds of explosives or bioagents; he'll be sneaking in over the thousands of miles of unprotected border between Mexico/Canada and the United States, or sailing in thru many more thousands of miles of unprotected shoreline. And folks, let's get our priorities in line. Yes, 7 billion is a lot of money, but farm labor is not a threat to national security and 9/11 could happen again, maybe even tomorrow. Simply adding more machines and agents will not solve the problem. It will be necessary for all citizens to take a proactive role. I'm not advocating vigilante groups or spying on your neighbors, but simply being aware of your surroundings and the people in it will do a world of good. No longer can we have this "I don't want to get involved" attitude; we are involved, like it or not. Report suspicious activities and other things that just don't seem right, then let the authorities do their jobs. And don't become irriitated when a clerk, security guard or law enforcement officer asks you to show identification or inspect your bags. It's not a lessening of your personal freedoms; it's a way to help protect them!     
There appears to be a news blackout on the Minuteman project.  Nothing on the Tucson TV channels the last few days.  We don't get a weekly paper - so not sure of anything in it or not. 

Saw that 42 illegals were found in a semi at a truck stop in New Mexico.  Wonder how they got through the border check station??

It's a minor problem like getting a drivers license.

A minor problem.  Well, for perhaps 99% of the people yes,

But with the application they wish a certified copy of your birth certificate,  Some folks do not have one, Thousands of birth certificates have been destroyed n fires in various city record offices over the last 100 years

Some folks are from other countries

Some folks were adopted (thankfully  do know where I was born and who my father was, Mom, is my Mother, I also know which court ruled on the adoption, so I can get the needed documents, but it's not all that simple since I'm in Detroit and the records are not)

Yes, a minor problem.. For most folks  Still a PITA (pain in the anatomy) more so for a few (relatively speaking)

I too am glad I voted, but not for Bush, NEVER for Bush

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