almost homeless!

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Cottage Grove, Oregon
In a good way. I have been trying to sell my s/b for 2 years now. I finally have a contract on it and we are on track to close by the end of the month. It will be such a blessing to get to stop making mortgage payments on something I never even see anymore!
You aren't really homeless. You are just going to be houseless. You still have your 2012 Work-And-Play toyhauler.
I defined full timing retirement as being jobless, homeless, and on the dole. ::)
halfwright said:
You aren't really homeless. You are just going to be houseless. You still have your 2012 Work-And-Play toyhauler.

I like the way you think but my home wont be my toyhauler. It is just where I will live until it is finally time for me to go home. Although I may upgrade to something a bit bigger than 18 feet. I am thinking of really living large and splurging on a 24 footer!
99WinAdventurer37G said:
That's something, (a bad, bad thing) that happens to people not smart enough to pay cash for their abode.  ie. living above their means, following their Governments example.

I see it as a lesser evil than paying rent. I didn't mind making the payments when I lived in it. I didn't buy something with high payments. I remember my banker saying, "you know, you can buy a lot more house than this" to which I replied "just because you can do something doesn't mean you should". I don't regret my time as a home owner (or more accurately I guess, a mortgage holder). It served me well and while I am not making a profit off of its sale, I am not losing money either. What I am accomplishing is positioning myself back on track to retire while still relatively young although I wont achieve it buy 50 which was my goal for a long time. I need at least another 10 more years to work but will still only be 55 by then.
You sound a lot like us as far as your thinking about what your banker told you. We got the same response from our banker on our home purchase. We just purchased what we hope is our retirement motorhome a 2000 National Tropi-cal . We look forward to retiring in 2.5 years, selling our house and hitting the road . We will both be 55 , jobless , homeless and loving it.
The problem for us with planning on retiring at 55 was that by age 54 our ideas of what was comfortable kept going up. At age 58 I took a new job that increased it again. ::)
Congratulations on the contract! It'll be great for you to be free!

I am a RE appraiser and do some sales on the side.  I routinely tell a buyer family to buy less than they can afford.  First, if one party in the family loses a job, they can still stay afloat.  Second, the 2nd wage income can be used to pay off the home quicker.  By adding a bit over one payment a year in principle, you can pay off a 30 year note in between 18-19 years.  That way, when you get our age, you can sell the home, do a reverse mortgage, whatever you want since you actually have equity, allowing you to get out on the road with no home worries.
Excellent advice!  If more folks followed your advice their stress level in their lives would be a lot less.
Rstrahan said:
I am a RE appraiser and do some sales on the side.  I routinely tell a buyer family to buy less than they can afford.  First, if one party in the family loses a job, they can still stay afloat.  Second, the 2nd wage income can be used to pay off the home quicker.  By adding a bit over one payment a year in principle, you can pay off a 30 year note in between 18-19 years.  That way, when you get our age, you can sell the home, do a reverse mortgage, whatever you want since you actually have equity, allowing you to get out on the road with no home worries.

Sad to say most Real Estate "Professionals" and I use the term loosely.  Do not do as you do.  They only see the

I have had several bad experiences with a couple of them.

Enough said...

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