How to clean inner canvas?

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New member
Sep 11, 2013
Hey all - I'm new to the forum.  I briefly scanned to see if I could see anything on this topic but nothing caught my eye...hopefully I'm not asking a question that's already been answered a million times!  :eek:

We have a new born baby so we bought a 2010 Viking Epic this summer.  I like to keep things in as pristine condition as possible, but we're having a heck of the time with the black streaks on the inside of the trailer.  I'm assuming they're coming from the metal bed tracks, the door frame and the metal rods that hold up the tops of the bed ends.  (Sorry about my lack of terminology!!) I've seen lots of info on removing black streaks on the OUTSIDE of the trailer, shell and canvas, but not much about the INSIDE which is what I'm looking for.

Is it possible to get these smears off?  If so - what is the best way? 

Thanks in advance!

Ali :)
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