Fiberglass Side Care

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Sep 11, 2013
I recently took delivery of a 2013 Coleman CTU297RE.  This is the first TT for me that has the fiberglass sides.  What is the best way to care for the exterior?  In Utah we seem to get both hot sun and cold winters.
Weather surely takes a toll on unpainted/jell coat fiberglass and on the decals.  The best solution is to store it in a shaded area.  Keep a coat of wax on it and keeping it clean would be the second best way to protect it.
I'm in the same boat. I've got my RV sitting here in the yard baking in summer heat as high as 105*F this year. Then here shortly winter will be coming and it will go back into the freezer at close to 0*F or even colder down to -25*F which is the coldest I've seen. Yeah I got to get out there tomorrow and wash mine down completely and scrub the roof. Getting it ready for a long winter nap. I'm sure I'll use it again but she getting rather dirty looking.  :-[
Any decent grade of automotive or marine polish (wax) suitable for fiberglass (many cars have fiberglass panels these days) should do fine. I use Protect-All, which is made primarily for RVs, but others have their own favorites.
This thread got my spirited on to get out there and scrub the old beast down and get it cleaned up. Whew! I was surprised how dirty it really was. Now start the waxing mission later on today. Ekkk...  :eek:
Just cleaned the roof. Owner manual said to use Murphy's oil soap. I mixed it a little stronger and brushed it on and then VERY CAREFULLY used the pressure washer holding it away at least 6"  Cleaned right up.  Key is not to blow water at your vents or any other place the has a hole through the roof.

Hand washed the sides cleaned the awning and waxed 2 sides with a good RV/Marine cleaner/wax for Gel coat. 
Long day, it's time to have some adult beverages and kick back.

I'll finish waxing tomorrow.  Also, I'll pull the wheels, check and repack the brgs. and adjust the brakes up. 

Still got some camping to do this year.  Some KZ owners are having a rally close to the factory in October.  We're heading there.  I would like to get down to the Blue Ridge Parkway as the leaves are turning.  We'll see!!??

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