Baja info needed by new full timers

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New member
Oct 1, 2006
We are planning to go to Baja for the first time in Feb. 2007. We are new full timers and will be traveling on our own in a 35 ft. 5th wheeler. We would appreciate all the info (road conditions, campgrounds and need for reservations, electric voltage in Mexico, availabliity of diesel fuel, best entry from the US into Mexico) from those of you who have been there and books that might help.  We are going on a 7 day cruise with Baja Expeditions from La Paz. Not only will we be spending a couple of weeks in the La Paz area but will need a secure place to leave our rig there. All responses will be appreciated and thanks for your time.

We have driven the Baja Peninsula a couple of times plus other short excursions into Baja.  "THE" book you need is called THE  MAGNIFICENT PENINSULA by Jack Williams.  It's like the Alaska Milepost because it shows and describes all the roads "mile by mile" and has city maps for the cities along the way.  It also describes the geological features and the items of interest along the way.  There are plenty of pictures too.  IT'S A MUST.  AMAZON.COM PROBABLY HAS IT.


I have never RV'd down there, but I have tent camped in a wonderful resort with RV parking. It's called Martin Verdugos. It's south of La Paz, but might be worth looking at.

They have really updated it since I was there from the looks of thier website. Real nice folks. We were invited to a different RV every night for happy hour and dinner.

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