Many Changes in Quartzsite

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Tom and Margi

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
We've been in Quartzsite during the winter for eleven years, now, but skipped last year.  We have really noticed some changes.  Some welcome, some not so welcome.  Since we weren't here last year, some of you may already be aware of some of the "improvements".

One of the welcome changes is the availability of a wireless signal right here in the middle of nowhere. charges $6 per day, $42.50 per month, $105.00 for three months.  There are other plans described at 

One of the most noticeable changes is in the vendor areas.  La Mesa RV has black-topped the entire Silver Buckle Saloon lot at Four Corners.  The Saloon is now their sales office.  Beaudry RV has a huge lot on Kuehn Avenue.  Many small vendors have been forced to move elsewhere and downtown is looking more and more like RV Dealers Row. 

The Post Office has an annex near the town hall area.  That is where you must pick up General Delivery mail.  This at least relieves much of the congestion around the main post office.

Our favorite semi-nudist, Mr. Loin Cloth Man, has closed down his tent book store site and is in the process of moving into a real building just west of Sweet Darlene's.  The Bakery is still intact and the apple fritters are just as good as always.  We personally tested them for you all this morning.  There is now a "real" bank, and ATM's have popped up here and there around town.

Drs. O. and P. have plenty of flu vaccine.  Tom and I got "shot" this morning.  Lamm's Prooduce has moved just south of Salome near Harcuvar.  I'll post other changes as we come across them.

We're looking forward to the RV Forum Framily arriving as time goes along.  Today is cloudy, so we're anticipating a spectacular sunset this evening. 

Margi and Tom
Tom and Margi said:
One of the most noticeable changes is in the vendor areas.  La Mesa RV has black-topped the entire Silver Buckle Saloon lot at Four Corners.  The Saloon is now their sales office.  Beaudry RV has a huge lot on Kuehn Avenue.  Many small vendors have been forced to move elsewhere and downtown is looking more and more like RV Dealers Row. 

Last year a couple of us spent up to an hour getting from first offramp going east on I-10, along Kuehn, and  to stop light at 95. Given this was in afternoon, but only on Tuesday before the rally.

So if I do it again, I am going on east on I-10 to most easterly exit, go south and back to 95.

I will never try Kuehn again unless it at an off peak time.


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