2500km trip to QZ is begun

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2005
Hi folks,

My wife and I departed Sechelt on Sunday, Jan 14, to begin the 2500km trip to QZ.

We spent Saturday night in the MH in Sechelt--'twas a low of 24F that night.

Sunday we devoted to crossing the border and making it to Bellingham for a food shop and an overnight stay.  That night gave us a low of 20F

First job for Monday morning was to get cat food for the diabetic cat--the border patrol don't like cat food coming across.

As we approached Vancouver, WA, we debated heading on to Eugene; decided to pull in to a spot on the north end of Vancouver--the forecast was for a light dusting of snow overnight, so we weren't too worried about keeping to our itinerary.

Woke up the next morning to find out that the light dusting of snow was actually somewhere between 4 and 5 inches.  So, we pulled out the books, the music, and the wine and settled in for the day.  The headline of the Oregonian was "Portland a Mess."  Well , may be tomorrow.

Woke up next morning and couldn't see the office a mere 50yds away (due to fog, eh) :);  more music, reading and wine ;D

But, we've made it to Eugene today; all being well we'll do the Siskiyous tomorrow--but if the pass is bad, we'll head out to the coast and come down 1010.

The last time we came south in winter, even the 101 was closed at Coos Bay due to snow.  So, you never know.


Hi Doug,

Be sure to drive safely. The folks at QZ will have a warm welcome for you whenever you arrive.

Sorry we won't be there this year. Would have liked to spend time with you.
Hope you make it to QZ. You surely will have some tales to tell around the campfire! Somehow, I don't consider 4-5" of snow to be a light dusting, even though I'm from Wisconsin. Just can't trust those dang forecasters! We'll save a good spot for you :)

    Glad to hear you are going to be at QZ.  We can talk a lot about photography and shoot a little also. 

    Have a safe trip and we'll see you soon.

Hi Ron (from big D),

Yes, I look forward to meeting you and the several (many?) others all of whom I know only by name--well, other than Fred and Daisy whom we met in Sierra Vista and MarshaAnn who came up to Hemet to have lunch with us, both three years ago.

Also, thanks for the good wishes from you and others.

We had an uneventful trip today.  The Siskiyous (Eugene to Redding) were bare and dry and there was even blue-not-a-cloud-in-the-sky weather for the latter half of the trip.  But at a little over 500km, this was a big day for us.  Shorter tomorrow: only about 200km.



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