Adding Roof top air?

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2011
Hi all
I had a thought of adding a third air to our Vogue.  I'm wondering if anyone has done this on a MH/Trailer(adding an air where there is no provision made for it)?  The electrical wiring and such is not an issue, just the re-enforcement(if needed) of the roof. My coach has a fiberglass roof and as far as holding the added weight, I weight a good 250 and walk on the roof all the time.  Any secret's, idea's, suggestions?
It shouldn't be too hard to do.  RV air conditioners fit into the same framed 14" square opening as a crank-up vent, and if the roof will support your walking around, it will handle the weight of the air conditioner
Try a search. I'm pretty sure John Canfield documented the addition of a third ac to his coach here or on his site.

InVogue said:
The electrical wiring and such is not an issue, .....

All the motor homes that I have owned, adding a new circuit for an air conditioner would have been an issue. There is no way to snake a new wire through the ceiling because of the framing. Perhaps, your RV is different or you plan to run the new circuit on the surface of a wall and ceiling to get to the air conditioner.

Thanks for the info so far. Electrical is not an issue for a couple of reason' main Panel has an extra empty unlabeled 20 amp breaker which I have already tapped into(when I put in the Residential fridge, the extra Romex was in the cavity of the old refrig compartment and I used it as just an extra outlet. Running the romex down to where I need it could be accomplished a few different way's (ie...down the length of the MH via the light soffit where the fluorescent tubes use to be and now is LED strips.  MY only concern was in the cutting of the hole(no, I'm not worried about putting a hole in the MH as some are) but only that I don't hit some type of super structure(steel re-enforcement). I hope to avoid that by being extremely diligent before making the cut!!! :) I will check for that WEB site...Thank You.
Ahhhh...I did find John's Web page and his project of adding a roof air was certainly a thought I have considered. I currently have a Fantastic Fan/Vent in the Bathroom and a Kool-a-matic fan in the kitchen of the MH. Taking out the Kool-a-matic would be the easiest way to accomplish my task (easy install and very close to my electrical panel making wiring even easier.  I hesitate on this solution because of location and this has a double meaning, if located where this vent is, it would not be exactly where needed and the Vent cutout is outset from the other air conditioners on the roof. I would rather place this additional unit as far forward as possible on the roof, thus getting a effect where needed the most.
In that case, if you aren't sure of your roof's construction try taking off one of the existing vent's inside soffits and see if it provides a clue.

You'll have to build a 14" x 14" box to hold the new air conditioner and it would be best to be able to tie it into an existing cross-roof brace.  If you have foam sandwich construction you'll have to attach it to the structural foam the best you can.
It is pretty much sandwiched foam with what appears to be 3/4 plywood.  I may plan out the location, cut carefully and if I don't like the feel for weight carrying ability, I could always switch the vent out to the new hole and place the air in the old vent opening. I have some options.....guess I'll see how it goes, then report back once started on it.

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