Update on the Stocks' Texas Trip

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Dean & Linda Stock

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2006
Cypress, California
Betty Brewer contacted me and said people were asking about us.  RVForumers are so caring.  Well, we are well--sort of.  Dean has the same sore on his foot, which he says is slowly healing.  I won't travel again until it is totally healed.  We are still trying to figure out the puzzle, but it seems that his original flu-like symptoms and high fever were cellulitis.  We have had two more signs that it is still with him, (small rashes on his inner leg) and the doctors put him on anti-virals.  Then it goes away.  Dean sees his podiatric surgeon once a week, his internist once a month, and other doctors in between.

We learned a lot.  #1--the first thing you do is contact the FMCA Insurance Program, and you persist.  #2--The best place in the US to be sick is in Houston, TX. It has the best complex of hospitals--I wouldn't be surprised if it covers more space than our whole suburb of Cypress, CA  #3--the state park system in TX is awesome and their people took great care to see that all was taken care of.  #4--get contact information for your doctor.  Ours was a "hospital doctor", and apparently, most of these do not have offices.  We have tried again and again to contact her for insurance purposes and test results, by phone and mail, and have been unable to make contact.

At home, I am finally getting home projects completed.  My next big project is re-landscaping.  Dean is working on installing a new anti-robo-call device I bought from Amazon.  The hang-ups and solicitations were driving me crazy.  We are keeping active with friends and doing local activities, like Laguna Beach's Pageant of the Masters and live theatre.  School is starting, and I'll be helping our daughter in her classroom, which I really enjoy.

Dean is taking the RV to San Clemente for servicing and has been spending more and more time at the storage prepping it, so I know he's itching to go.  I enjoyed looking at the Alaska posts.  They brought back fond memories.  Hopefully, we'll be able to continue making those memories, but I anticipate that it will still be several months, and when we do go, we'll stay close by our doctors, perhaps Arizona or the coast of California.

Thanks for you continuing caring.  Who knows?  Maybe we'll be at Quartzsite.
Linda and Dean,
Well wishes to you as you  travel.  Hope to see you in Quartzsite  despite your notion that Q is the armpit of the world!  Life is good  and unpredictable!
Best wishes from us to both of you.  I miss your travel posts!  There comes a time when we are more anchored to our home base than we would like, but the memories live on!  ;D
Glad to hear you're doing well and Dean is on the mend.  I have been missing your posts so hurry up and go somewhere. :)

Thanks for the update Linda. We hope that Dean's issues subside and that you'll both be able to travel again soon. Your trip reports have been an inspiration for many here. Best wishes to you both.

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