First Time Winterizing/ an Underground Mine. Advice sought.

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2010
Hello, everyone...and thanks for your time and feedback. 

We're soon to winterize/store our TT for the first time.  We live in an area of Western PA with very quirky winter weather...the freeze/thaw cycle is becoming increasingly wild.  We've had everything from "fully leafed out deciduous trees in early March" to "polar vortex patterns with -10F temps and -47F wind chills". 

We found a facility nearby that used to be a limestone mine, but is now used to store boats/RVs/cars/etc. 

I'm pretty sure that we want to store our TT there over the winter instead of subjecting it to 4 months of freeze/thaw. 

The cost is reasonable, and reviews are positive. 

I was wondering, so that I can set my expectations accordingly...has anyone ever done this before? 

Would you still bother with a cover for your TT?  At 52 degrees inside the mine, it wouldn't be necessary to fully "winterize", but would you still do anything besides completely drain everything?  Damp-Rid for the inside?  Some kind of pest-repellant that would neither cause rotting rodents inside (poison) nor make the inside of the TT smell bad? 

Any other considerations?  Thanks! 

Used to store my 40' Bounder in a mine in PA when I lived there. Worked well, but a pretty humid environment. You'll want a couple dehumidifier buckets inside. Super handy to be able just go get the rig to take advantage of a nice weekend without worrying about dewinterizing/rewinterizing.

Wondering if this is the same place I used, just east of Butler, PA:

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