Recent content by crimsondave

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    Need RV For Football

    I can park within walking distance of the stadium on campus.  I will travel by myself in it with no car in tow.  I can get around in my buddies cars when they get there.  I would like to be able to sleep 4, but it does not need to be like sleeping in the hilton.  Fold outs will be fine.  I do...
  2. C


    The RV crowd is huge at UA.  There were a little over 200 RVs that went to the Oklahoma game from UA a few years ago.  I don't have any idea how many are on campus for home games, but it is a ton.  It looks like so much fun, I just gotta get in on it!
  3. C


    I'm David.  I'm a huge Alabama football fan, which is why I looking into getting an RV.  Have a good'un.
  4. C

    Need RV For Football

    I am interested in getting a used RV to drive to football games.? That is the only place it will likely go.? It is about 120 miles one way.? I may take it to road games a time or two, but not often. I'm looking to spend 25 to 30k, but I don't want something that is a bottomless pit for money...
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