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  1. M

    Water pump causes all overhead lights to flash

    Copy and understand...I will tighten the electrical connections in the fuse panel.
  2. M

    Water pump causes all overhead lights to flash

    Wildo and thank you.  I also saw in a previous link to make sure the wires are tight connecting to the inverter.
  3. M

    Water pump causes all overhead lights to flash

    All, Thanks to everyone for the comments and help.  As of my last reply, the dealer did the fix and it still did not fix the disco lights flickering when using the water pump. We hit the road a few days later to reposition to Texas for a while and the flickering has not happened since we hit...
  4. M

    Water pump causes all overhead lights to flash

    Ok thank you, I will mention that to the service department and hope they look at that possible issue.  Thank you
  5. M

    Water pump causes all overhead lights to flash

    Yes sir, it happens when we are hooked up to shore power as well as when we are running off the batteries and inverter.
  6. M

    Water pump causes all overhead lights to flash

    I will let you know the fix.  Right now it flickers any time we have the water pump on and running water.  I am plugged in to shore power but turn off the water spigot off to check if they fixed the disco lights.
  7. M

    Water pump causes all overhead lights to flash

    Hello all. This is my first post although I have looked and read many posts in this group. I have an issue that I was wondering if anyone has seen or experienced. We have a 2017 Winnebago Ellipse and every time you run water in the RV while using the water pump all the overhead lights flicker on...
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