Cold Weather fishing

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Anybody catching anything in this colder weather
I'm pretty much strictly a bass fisherman, but I've been told that catfishing is best when the water temp gets down into the low 50 or colder. I do know that here they seem to catch the monsters in late fall and early spring.
they say hybrid stripped bass get active in the cooler temps. i've been trying to catch one but haven't had any luck this year. they say to use lures that imitate shad or spoons. i've not caught a single fish on a spoon since 1960. i will have the kayak in the water next week, might get lucky.
they say hybrid stripped bass get active in the cooler temps. i've been trying to catch one but haven't had any luck this year. they say to use lures that imitate shad or spoons. i've not caught a single fish on a spoon since 1960. i will have the kayak in the water next week, might get lucky.
Hybrid stripers are a cross between White Bass and Striped bass. Here we call them "Wipers".
Just before it started to really cool off, I did catch a couple of catfish and a crap. I had to throw the crap back because I heard they have too many bones in them to even mess with. I hated to throw him back, but didn't want to waste him either
Just before it started to really cool off, I did catch a couple of catfish and a crap. I had to throw the crap back because I heard they have too many bones in them to even mess with. I hated to throw him back, but didn't want to waste him either
Yes, crap are really bony. I know they can be pickled, which dissolves the bones, but I've never personally done it.
Oh, I never knew there was a way to dissolve the bones, may look into that because every time I catch one I throw it back.
Oh, I never knew there was a way to dissolve the bones, may look into that because every time I catch one I throw it back.
I haven't caught a carp in years; they're not known to strike at bass lures. But I used to live on a lake that had a million of them and I would fish for them for fun off my deck. My neighbor wanted them for fertilizer for his garden.
My buddy and I fished a lake on SW NH yesterday. We got 13 yellow perch around 12" and above and threw back at least that amount in smalls. I got 2 large mouth in the 14-16 range that we threw back. 4 or 5 pickerel also went back along with 2 smallmouth around 10 inches. Fished from 10 to 3. Perch tacos for dinner were great
Wow, it sounds like you guys catch a bunch, to throw back 2 large mouths that were great in size. I like that early early fishing and late late fishing, but anytime to good for me. Perch tacos never had them, but sound good !!
My buddy and I fished a lake on SW NH yesterday. We got 13 yellow perch around 12" and above and threw back at least that amount in smalls. I got 2 large mouth in the 14-16 range that we threw back. 4 or 5 pickerel also went back along with 2 smallmouth around 10 inches. Fished from 10 to 3. Perch tacos for dinner were great
10” is the minimum for crappie here, cousins to yellow perch.

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