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New member
Jun 2, 2005
Anybody attempted/had any luck buying tires online? Just wondering about price, shipping, etc. Thanx
I would never Even attempt to buy tires for the motorhome on line.  I like most folks just don't have the equipment or facilities to change them anyway.  I am shopping for tires and I compare prices but when we buy we will buy from a reliable dealer and drive out with the new tires installed and balance with Equal.
I bought new tires for my motorhome and for my car this past year, and checked out the online tire vendors.  My conclusion was by the time shipping was paid, the cost of the tires would be greater than buying locally.  Many online tire sellers have arrangements with installers in your local area, but when I checked out the local installer associated with one of the online vendors I was not impressed.

I therefore ended up buying locally, after making some calls, I dtermined what was a good price, went to a local shop I though was well equipped for the installation and proposed a deal, based on my research for pricing.  The local shop agreed to my proposition, which turned out to be even better than I expected because he gave me a credit for trading in some of my motorhome tires.

A trade in credit is not an option when buying online, whereas local shops sometimes give a credit for MH tires which are then installed on transport trailers.

My car tires were cheapest at Wal Mart and I ended up buying at Sears becasue they had a one day sale on teh model tire I was looking for.

Another good source for tires is Sam's Club.  You can get quotes on specialty tires including motorhome tires.

Be sure to check the dating on those new tires!
Another good source for tires is Sam's Club.  You can get quotes on specialty tires including motorhome tires.

I bought a set of Michelens from Sams Club a few years ago and when one of them separated, literally allowing the sidewalls to roll down the highway, I had a helluva time getting an adjustment. This happened less than a month after I bought them and when  I took the tread and sidewalls into SC and they tried to say I must have been speeding or otherwise abusing the tires. After a threatening letter from my attorney they finally made the adjustment but had the cojones to tell me they didn't appreciate my "bullying tactics". Last set of tires I will ever buy from them.

That doesn't sound like a "good source" to buy tires Woody. You shouldn't have to hire an attorney to get an adjustment on a defective tire. I guess I'll give Sam's Club a miss when I buy my next set of tires.
Every tire and battery I have bought for our two cars in the past 12+ years have come from Sams Club.  My experience has been just the opposite.  Guess you never know. 
If that were the case Ron, I'd expect Sam's Club to have enough leverage over the manufacturer to have been able to resolve this without the need for a lawyer. Manufacturers usually respond to the demands of big buyers like Costco and WM/SC. It's one reason that Costco will take back and replace almost anything you buy there. I've never bought or returned tires there, but everything else has had a "zero question/zero quibble" response to returns up to a year after purchase.
I don't think so,,, Tires are something I do not wish to buy sight unsceen,  I like to see them and how aggressive they are before I lay out my cash

Add to that that my rig came with Mitchelins and guess who is next door to my RV dealer...

Short story about tires.... Some years ago the office where i worked, employee was at the bottom of a hill, Well, we got to work and the roads looked like... Well, August... When we left we were sriously reminded it was January (About 8-12 inches worth of reminder fell while we worked) One of my co-workers (We called him Dispatcher McBrag) was saying how he could not wait for one of the others, who had just bought a Ford Splash pickup (Light in the tail) With extra wide tires, get up that hill (I'll admit it was amusing to watch him do it)  McBrag, however, had been a Air Police at Kinchlow Air Base (Michigan/s upper penna, where they do indeed know the meaning of SNOW, they also know the meaning of SNOW PLOW, but we will go ther elater)

Well.. After the kid got out of the lot with his splash McBrag headed up the hill with his Lincoln land barge

And he was every bit as amusing as the kid with the splash, more so because of his mouth

Then were two young ladies, front wheel drive cars, straight up the hill

I brought up the rear, rear wheel drive, also straight up the hill,, compact station wagon with Kelly Navagator 800's, a very aggressive tire.  (The lincoln had what I call "Summer" tires on it)

I like TREAD on my tires.
Tom said:
If that were the case Ron, I'd expect Sam's Club to have enough leverage over the manufacturer to have been able to resolve this without the need for a lawyer. Manufacturers usually respond to the demands of big buyers like Costco and WM/SC. It's one reason that Costco will take back and replace almost anything you buy there. I've never bought or returned tires there, but everything else has had a "zero question/zero quibble" response to returns up to a year after purchase.

I based my coment on my experience with Michelin tires the one and only time we had Michelins.  Never again will I have Michelins.
Understood Ron. Now that I think about it, I had a similar experience with Michelin, but it was a small dealer who didn't have the buying power of Sam's Club.
Tom said:
Understood Ron. Now that I think about it, I had a similar experience with Michelin, but it was a small dealer who didn't have the buying power of Sam's Club.

I would have thought Sears would have some influence, But.  I even tried other Michelin dealers.
We bought tires for our truck last year and the local dealer was about $10 cheaper per tire than Sams on the same tires. Sams is not always the latest greatest.

Shipping is hugely expensive for tires, especially big RV tires. When I checked it out, the price with shipping and mounting exceeded the best of local quotes.  The local quotes included mounting, whereas mounting is extra for mail-order tires.

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