California dreamin'

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2011
You didn't mention where you visited in CA. I suppose there are some good parts of CA. I lived south of LA  for 40 years. Stored my RV miles from my home, paid high taxes, endured heavy traffic. 3 hours on the road every day to and from work. Up side was that we did live a couple of miles from the beach and enjoyed walking on the beach in the early mornings. I left CA as soon as possible after I retired. Do I miss CA? Sometimes. Miss walking on the beach. Miss great restaurants. Would I move back? NOPE!!!!
might wanna be cautious... Calif is so far in debt they may never dig out... the economy is larger than most countries and it takes megabucks just to maintain the hiways, schools and basic services... all of which are being trimmed, reduced and eliminated as they try to reduce costs.  There is now a net exodus of people from the state in response to the rampant foreclosures, unemployment and high taxes.

Nonetheless, it's a beautiful place with beaches, mountains, lakes, forests, redwoods and wonderful weather.
I live in California and yes, it is a beautiful state; but as others say--expensive,or it used to be.  Homes have devalued to a very low point so it is great for buyers.  We have Prop 13 which keeps property taxes a certain percentage of the purchase price.  About the only thing higher at the moment than other states is our fuel, mostly because we have a high tax on it.

I'm also wondering how you would get health care.  When you reach 65 you get Medicare in the U.S.  But, you have to have paid into the system during the years of your employment.  I'm thinking you would need private health care coverage which is VERY expensive.

We just returned from our maiden voyage in our 5th wheel, having spent 7 weeks in California, and loving it!!
Since this is your first trip, I thinking you might want to visit some other states and also do some research as to which state gives you the best for your situation.  You have the best of both worlds with your 5th wheel.  You can visit wherever you want, then go home to your beautiful BC.

taoshum said:
Calif is so far in debt they may never dig out... the economy is larger than most countries and it takes megabucks just to maintain the hiways, schools and basic services... all of which are being trimmed, reduced and eliminated as they try to reduce costs.  There is now a net exodus of people from the state in response to the rampant foreclosures, unemployment and high taxes.

I think this can be said about many, if not most of the states in our country.  Calif isn't alone and it's not the worst.

taoshum said:
Nonetheless, it's a beautiful place with beaches, mountains, lakes, forests, redwoods and wonderful weather.

I couldn't agree more.  It's a great place to live.  8)
I strongly suggest you do some very throrough research into the expense of living there opposed to other States. CA is a great place to visit (I do so several times a year) but I simply can't afford to live there. I live in AZ and, even though it also is an expensive State to live in, it's far more affordable than CA. In CA, prices and taxes are higher than any other State except Hawaii. CA is also more heavier regulated than most, if not all, other States. Besides stricter regulations, more permits (each needing a steep fee) are required. The infrastructure (utilities, roads and highways, etc.) hasn't been properly maintained for years and is falling apart. Public services (police, etc.) are overworked. Property values are sky high, even in this economy.

Californians are leaving the State in droves. States like OR and AZ have experienced steep increases in property values because of Californians who were able to sell their tiny crackerbox houses on postage stamp lots for high enough prices to be able to buy larger houses on larger lots in nicer places in other States.

Parts of CA, especially SoCal, are subject to annual wildfires that level populated areas. CA has been suffering a drought the past dozen years which, in light of global warming, may never end. Besides the increased danger from wildfire, CA is flat running out of water and has already suffered severe shortages.
I've lived in several places in California over a 10 year period, from Sandiego area up to Lancaster area. Great state, beautiful in many areas. State Goverment, well I have absolutley nothing good to say there. High prices and taxes, heavy conjestion in many areas, more laws than anyone can really keep up with that change on a whim. Nice place to visit NO WAY would I ever live there again.
You couldnt force me to live there with a gun to my head. And thats another reason not to live there..Ca is a very dangerous place to live in. You look at someone the wrong way and you could easily get shot..Gangs up the wazoo, its not a place for us.
Wow!  As an out of stater (Texas) I was going to write something nasty about CA.  After reading all the other posts from folks who HAVE lived there I'm tempted to say something nice about it. 

The northern part of the state is very pretty in places.
Maybe we should move  ???

... I'm tempted to say something nice about it.

LOL please do  ;D

We've lived in northern CA over 30 years, and I can only smile and shake my head when I read some of the broad-brush characterizations of the state; Some are obviously from folks who've never lived here &/or have only experienced a small part of CA. Like me saying that Dallas or Houston is representative of the entire state of Texas  :eek:
I thought California was part of Canada?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Hey, I did put smilees with that!

Actually, while living there in the Corps, I loved Cali, the weather in Oceanside was frankly the best in the States for us.  Can't wait for retirement and have time to visit S. California, lot's of memories there, we lived in Fallbrook, then on base for a few years.
While California has some really nice people and some wonderful scenery, it also has CARB, regulations strangling the economy, and killer taxes.  CA has to be one of the last places on earth I would consider living.  Even the rich are leaving in droves due to their staggering tax rates and totally broken government.  Remember it was less than a year ago they were issuing IOU's because they could not pay their bills.
No disagreement on the taxes and always-be-first regulations.

[quote author=donn]Remember it was less than a year ago they were issuing IOU's because they could not pay their bills.[/quote]

Methinks that was due to maneuvering by some folks in Sacramento when they couldn't agree on a state budget. Not a lot different from the Federal government coming to the brink of shutdown several times for a similar reason. The latter wouldn't make me want to move out of the USA  ???
Gotta agree there, many States with problems, California will climb-out... may take awhile however can't give up on it!
I think those who feel like California is the worst place to live should not visit here either.....just stop at the California border and turn around.  Don't come visit Yosemite, the deserts, San Diego, San Francisco, the California coast line, the giant sequoias, the redwoods; don't come ski at Mammoth.  Don't add to our high volume of traffic, take our campsites or contribute to the lines of visitors at Disneyland.

I get really tired of the California bashing.    There are a lot of places in the US that I detest and would no way live there; let me name a few..........


Marsha, you sure said it all in a very nice and tactful way!

I have never lived in California, yet visited it so many times, and it is one of the most beautiful States, as far as I am concerned.

If we can't have positive comments about anything, why not just be quiet.

Marsha/CA said:
I think those who feel like California is the worst place to live should not visit here either.....just stop at the California border and turn around.  Don't come visit Yosemite, the deserts, San Diego, San Francisco, the California coast line, the giant sequoias, the redwoods; don't come ski at Mammoth.  Don't add to our high volume of traffic, take our campsites or contribute to the lines of visitors at Disneyland.

I get really tired of the California bashing.    There are a lot of places in the US that I detest and would no way live there; let me name a few..........


Getting a little touchy, aren't you.
Marsha/CA said:
I think those who feel like California is the worst place to live should not visit here either.....just stop at the California border and turn around.  Don't come visit Yosemite, the deserts, San Diego, San Francisco, the California coast line, the giant sequoias, the redwoods; don't come ski at Mammoth.  Don't add to our high volume of traffic, take our campsites or contribute to the lines of visitors at Disneyland.

I get really tired of the California bashing.    There are a lot of places in the US that I detest and would no way live there; let me name a few..........

Oh OK Marsha, I'll give a little. We really love central Ca. San Luis Opisbo, Morro Bay, Los Ossis, Solvang. But you can keep southern Cal. L.A. etc....
Marsha/CA said:
I think those who feel like California is the worst place to live should not visit here either.....just stop at the California border and turn around.  Don't come visit Yosemite, the deserts, San Diego, San Francisco, the California coast line, the giant sequoias, the redwoods; don't come ski at Mammoth.  Don't add to our high volume of traffic, take our campsites or contribute to the lines of visitors at Disneyland.

I get really tired of the California bashing.    There are a lot of places in the US that I detest and would no way live there; let me name a few..........


The truth hurts?

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