Recent content by BigTallJim

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. BigTallJim

    Wanting to make this a once in a lifetime trip

    I got so excited about all this and planned out some amazing routes based on what you had all suggested. Yesterday I asked for a few quotes for the 5 weeks of rental (July/Aug time). The quotes were shocking. i have one of around 15,000 dollars for the 35 days, with the normal rate seeming to...
  2. BigTallJim

    Wanting to make this a once in a lifetime trip

    Hi everyone, I know this question is going to have a thousand answers and everyone will have different opinions, but I need some help. I’ve never driven and RV before, but have a long summer break coming up this year from mid July until the end of August. I’m British and I would love to take...
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