Recent content by mcwart

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    extended insurance coverage plans for RVs.

    Hi I am trying to go through  Good Sams ins. , XtraRida priority extended care, and my head is spinning. Any help in that area would be greatly appreciated? I will be traveling alone and just purchased a 34 foot 2001 Bounder. It will be my first year RVing and full time. Mary
  2. M

    Just introducing myself

    I just purchased a bounder 33 and am going to begin a full rv lifestyle for a few years, I have 100's of questions I look forward to everyones help on this great site.
  3. M

    Another Motor Home Fire

    Does this happen often? What are the causes generally? :(
  4. M

    new to RVing and forum

    ok so the abbreviations are new to me. TT , 5Ver? Need to learn a lot I guess.
  5. M

    new to RVing and forum

    I want to get an RV to live and travel on. I have lived on boats for about 4 years about 15 years ago so have an idea about the minalist living. I just completed a 6000 mile drive to south to visit various relatives for about a month an a half. I did this in my Jeep Wrangler with my dog Taffy...
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