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Jan 25, 2013
Purchased this unit in Oct 2012 and have only had it out for a weekend.  It was a cold weekend, 28 degrees, and it seemed to take forever to heat up the lounge front area.  The rear furnace heats quickly with a strong air flow from the floor vents.  The four floor vents up front however feel very weak.  The gas furnace ignites, the exhaust is very hot, and the blower sounds like it is working, but no heat.  It's in storage now but I still wonder how I can correct this.  My dealer says it's OK, I have my doubts.  I would appreciate any help with this issue.  Thanks Jeff in North Dakota.
Hi and welcome!

Our floor ducts put out a good air flow and we have no problem keeping ours warm when it's too cold for the heat pump.  I think I would get a second opinion about the furnace.
I think that you will find that the ducting from the furnace to the outlets are not connected.

Find the front furnace and follow the plastic ducting to the outlets.
Walt - there are two separate furnaces on the higher-end Winnebago units.  Our aft cabin furnace has separate bulkhead outlets (as in not below the floor ducting.)  The primary propane furnace is connected to the floor ducting.
I'm with the other guy, bet something is disconnected.  We have a 20 year old motorhome and the front furnace puts out more heat then you can stand if you turn it up enough, but I keep it around 70 or less when driving as I get sleepy if to warm. Last time I had an electric heater up front because I thought the dash heater quit and found out I just had one of the switches turned to AC, duh.  We had one of the vents under the bed on the second furnace disconnected and it was a weak air flow, hubby has it fixed now and is much stronger, our bays are also heated.
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