1 more newbie w/question

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mike n teri

New member
Jul 17, 2005
Hello Mike n Teri - Mike's is an old back packer, will not that old. Anyway, we (I) bought a 10yr old 5W and the sun has baked the rubber top seal.? The top coast sealent seems to be washing away.? DICOR, KOOLSEAL,Plas-t-coat, Liq Rubber, DYCO, Alpha Systems, and there may be a few more.? My local shop guy says repalce the top @ $45-5 K.? It's just starting to show black rubber. Seems like I should be able to replace the top coat and get 10 more yrs.? Anyone out there with past experience that can help a new rv`er with advise?
Thanks Mike - Hampton Rds Virginia
I have no personal experience, but a couple people have posted there own experiences here in the last several months. 

One guy replaced the EDPM rubber himself and said it wasn't too bad a job. He needed a helper a few times, basically a pair of extra hands now and then and someone to hand him tools as needed.

Another fellow, Dave Derway,  had a worn roof like yours and used a product called ProGaurd Liquid Roof with good results.  Take a look at the thread here:

Thank you Gary.  That is just the information I was looking for.  And thanks to David and the others in the discussion link.

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