120V inline fusible link... repair/replace?

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Oct 19, 2010
Hello all,

I have a grey fusible link for a 120V electrical line that powers the upper cabinet outlets above the windshield of the motor home. I had intermittent power so I followed the wires back to the plug. After examining the device, I unhooked the two ends and hooked them back together, viola! Power again. In the last couple of days, the power would again be intermittent, so i would wiggle the wires and get power again. The fusible link is about the size of a business card. It has the AC electrical line on both sides screwed in to connector screws. There is writing on it that claims there is a 20 amp fuse in there somewhere.

Can this be purchased and replaced? Is it some protection I need beyond the the circuit breaker? It seems to be a pain, I am considered running new electrical line and eliminating the fuse...

Thoughts? Thanks,Sam
I have never seen a fusible link in a 120 volt line, Fuses yes (Cartridge fuses, screw in fuses, other kinds of fuses) but a fusible link, never.. Which is not to say I haven't fused a link or two in my time.

I would replace it with a fuse or circuit breaker of the peoper amprage and wire big enough to not be called a "Fusable link".
That doesn't sound like a fusible link. I suspect what you are looking at is a relay that acts as an ignition interlock, opening the circuit when the ignition is on to prevent an overhead tv from operating while the vehicle is operating. Per federal law, no tv can be operating within the drivers view.

If its is having problems, replace it.
Good point Gary... I assumed the "Device" was a length of wire (A fusable link is a length of smaller wire.. IE: you run 12 ga wire and put a short length of 18 ga in at some point, that short length is the "Fusable link).  A box. is the ignition interlock.

For the O/P. ignition interlocks are required by law, disabling them has, on very rare occasions, gotten folks in trouble.  I know for a fact the Michigan State Police have issued at least one ticket for "Operating Television where driver could watch it" (Distracted driving).  I know because the trooper ask me to ask the Sgt. for the chapter and verse (Section of law) to put on the ticket to make sure it was valid.

There are at least 3 other people who know for a fact that ticket was issued (not counting the trooper)

1 The judge (That one is ok)
2: His clerk (likewise)
3: The poor sap who had to pay the fine.  (Sucks to be him).

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