1977 Dodge Sportsman, Shasta RV need belt model numbers. New Rv Owner!!

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Dec 28, 2012
Hello, this is my first RV. Its a 1977 Dodge Sportsman/Shasta Motorhome. It has a 360 engine. I traded for this RV. I traded a 1992 Chevy conversion van for it. I drove the thing from New Smyrna Beach back to central florida (70 Miles). What a trip that was. I had an initial ground issue, which I fixed right at the start. The RV started right up, Idles strong. The issue I had was once in gear it would big down and want to die. I made it home, got her up to around 60mph on the interstate. Along the way i lost the fan/alternator belt. Once i got it home i found out that it had two belts. Well I bought the same one I already had on it..power steering and drive belt. I did nt know if anyone knew what the part # might be for the second belt (alternator/fan belt. Autozone has alot of belts for it..and i dont have the old one.

Also when you shift it into gear it shifts pretty hard...I know its old...driving it i had no issues with it shifting while in gear. I just power cleaned inside/outside and she looks pretty good. Now i'm on to the important things..motor and engine. Oh she has a power steering leak as well, but I should be able to figure it out.

1)What are the part Numbers for the drive belts?
2)What would cause engine to bog down, want to die when in gear?
3)What could cause the hard shift when put into drive or reverse?

Thanks for any help

No idea on the fan belt p/n, but I had a '76 Dodge RV with the 360 (a lot of years ago) and as best I recall, it was pretty much standard engine parts.  Have you checked with a good auto parts store?

Bogging down...the '77 360 engine is carbureted (not fuel injected), and is a pre-computer engine.  It may even be a non-electronic ignition engine.  Take it to an "old timer" shop and they should know what to do.

Shifting hard into drive or reverse...sounds like the idle is too fast.  S/B roughly about 500-600 rpm.  Since it bogs down, I suspect carburetor or ignition problems and the PO set the idle up to keep it going.  May have a vacuum leak.
Thanks! I think I purchased the right belt today. yeah I would normally start by a fresh tune up and go from there, but what you said makes since as far as the high idling. I'll keep ya posted on how it goes.

The 360 is a good old work horse. It sounds to me like she has a vacuum leak. The bogging could be many things However with the hard shifting it leads me to think vacuum. The tranny likely has a vacuum assist module on it most mopar did in the early days. If she is loosing vacuum she will slam into gear and will have poor power. Not that it is a speed demon but the 360 should have no problem moving out.

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