1988 Travelcraft Cozy Traveler Class C Motorhome. Rooftop selfie--of RV!

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Oct 22, 2018
:p My problem, or need sounds very simplen but it may not be --because I have a dinosaur of a motorhome!?I'm about to take the roof apart-due to  serious rot and disrepair, by  irresponsible previous owners who just slapped sealant over sealant, one quick fix FAILURE atop another, without ever actually really dealing with the water damage and rotting wood to repair it.

I'm putting aside my hunt for an owner's manual for now because the roof cannot take another rainfall last one caved in the ceiling from water weight!  I need is a full length pic, or pics, of entire rooftop--any condition, of a 1988 Travelcraft Cozy Traveler Class C motorhome. PLEASE--to see HOW it USED to, or is SUPPOSED to look.

There's a gaping hole on the far right rear of the motorhome above the bathroom that I don't know what used to be there if it was a skylight, orsome kind of a vent that's the source of the leak as seen in this photo they just put a piece of wood on it and loads of spackling and caulking and glue and in the middle they put some kind of plexiglass on top of rubber to take me forever to unglue! A photo will really be helpful to give me perspective on what I how to deal with that spot it's nasty but this is what it looks like now
I couldn't find a photo of a Traveler motorhome either. Plenty of travel trailers, but no motorhomes.

There is nothing magical with RV roof construction, though.  Older ones like yours have fairly thin wood cross members supporting a thin (1/4"?) luan plywood subroof that is covered with either EPDM rubber or galvanized sheet metal for waterproofing.  There should be some insulation tucked in there as well.  The joints are sealed with a lap sealant such as Dicor self-leveling lap sealant. RV roof lap sealants are designed to stretch a lot more than residential roof lap sealants, so they stay in place as the rv travels down the highway.  As you peel away the layers, it should be obvious what you need to replace it.
I've tried several times to post photos I wonder if  It works. Thank you for your reply I just wanted to know if the gaping hole is used to be a skylight
I just wanted to know if the gaping hole is used to be a skylight

If that gaping hole is over the shower, the answer is likely YES. If it is elsewhere then no, it may be probably an exhaust fan.  14"x 14" is the standard measurement of such fans.

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