1999 Gulfstream Sunsport

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Oct 23, 2012
Well after extensive research and looking at many units I settled on a this one. Private deal 3 hrs drive to look at it in good shape for a 99! Needs some tlc a good carpet shampoo or maybe some laminate but that's to be expected for a 13 yr old unit. Has been stored in doors a he even filled it right up with gas and winterized it for me! Looking forward to my first trip! Unit has been oil guarded every year has heated tanks for cold weather usage. Any tips before I take her on my first trip! I have read all the posts on what to do to prepare but whats one thing you would never leave home without?
I actually downloaded an app for my android tablet! Its pretty awesome! Its called rvchecklist lol! I'm so excited to take my first trip!
whats one thing you would never leave home without?

A credit card with a hefty credit line. Older Rvs are full of surprises that take $$ to fix!

You need a VOM to check electrical voltage and continuity of any defective circuits you may encounter. Probably the single most important tool for an RVer to have and know how to use.

We harp on it all the time here - verify the tire dates on the sidewall (7-10 years max usage, no matter how good they look) and get the tire pressure set correctly for the weight.

See the RV buying checklist in the forum library Checklist section. You already bought yours, but use the checklist to verify the working condition of the various systems and appliances.
Ya that was the first thing I looked at was the date codes on the tires, when i arrived to look at it! It needs new steer tires but the other ones are dated 09 so should be good for a bit! Already started my RV expense account which I will put away money into for any upgrades toys or expenses!
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