2 way radios

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Aug 27, 2005
Hi All, nooby here just joined.
Does anyone know of a good set of 2 way radios.? ?I have a set of the Motorola Talkabout 250's but would like something with a bit more range and power.
There are two different kinds of those radios, Part 15 and GMRS, the Part 15 radios are very limited in power and range but you need no license, the GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) radios have much more power but you need a license, $75.00 and a bunch of rig-a-marole at www.fcc.gov if I've remembered the url right.

I actually have an account with the FCC so it's less of a pain for me

Paper applications and checks not appreicated by the FCC any more
Thanks John that narrows the search down a bit.  Does anyone have any experience with a good set of Part 15 radios.
My wife and I use the non license radios and they work great for our needs.  We can usually reach from one end of a shopping center to the other.  More importantly, when we are in the same store, we can locate each other.  If I am in the MH and the Admiral is at the pool, we always can reach each other.  Have not tried it at a rally, but being outdoors improves reception, so it should work.  We see no need at the present time to go the GMRS route.
Smoky said:
My wife and I use the non license radios and they work great for our needs.? We can usually reach from one end of a shopping center to the other.? More importantly, when we are in the same store, we can locate each other.? If I am in the MH and the Admiral is at the pool, we always can reach each other.? Have not tried it at a rally, but being outdoors improves reception, so it should work.? We see no need at the present time to go the GMRS route.

Smoky you didn't say which model etc. you  have there is quite  a difference depending which ones you get.  I have the Motorola  Talkabout 250 and they are pretty good. I can almost get up to 3 miles if there are no obstacles.  I really like them better than the CB for communicating with another rig travelling with you on the freeway. No obscene yakking to put up with from the truckers.
>>Does anyone know of a good set of 2 way radios. <<

The Motorola's are fairly good.  I'm surprised that John did not mention another alternative.  I convinced my wife that she had to get an Amateur radio license so we both have very good radios that allow a lot more convenience.  The basic license is fairly easy if you put your mind to it and there are many advantages.  See if you can find a local operator and see what the radios can do.

Just another approach,
I have a ham license, but would never get my wife interested in getting one.  But to me it would be overkill and too public, unless selective calling is possible.  I have not used 2 meters or higher in a number of years so maybe the repeaters have that now?

I thought I would find the radios in the coach this evening, but the Admiral informs me they are in the car.  As soon as I find them I will relate what they are.  I belive they are Motorolas, but not positve.
We have the Cobra MicroTalks radios (GMRS) and they have worked well for us.  Rechargable with a charging stand that takes 2 radios.  The Model no. is PR945DX.  We use just the PRS channels, but it's nice to know we have the extra power of the GMRS channels available if really needed.  Of course, we wouldn't use high power without the proper license.
Yes, they use the same channels as the FRS radios, plus an addition 8 channels that are not available to FRS only radios.? To use the GMRS only channels and/or to use the higher power of the GMRS radio requires the license.? FRS radio use is limited to 500mw while GMRS radios can use 2w.

The $75 will seem cheap if the FCC catches you using GMRS features without the license  ;)
Our Radio Shack FRS/GMRS radios are 5 watts with the switch n the hi power position and? I think 500MW in the lo power position.
Wow thanks for all of the good info. fellas I can now do some research on those FRS/GMRS radio's they sound like what I'm looking for.
Smoky said:
The radios we have are Motorola T5200s.? Work fine for our needs around the camogrounds and the malls.

What kind of mpg are you getting Smoky ;D? That's miles per gossip anything over 3 miles.
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