2000 Monaco Windsor Purchase It?

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New member
Jan 22, 2013
Brand new to RVing. Considering on purchasing Class A Monaco Windsor DPusher. Budget about $50000.
Considering the vehicle is in great shape and checks out.
Stupid question: Is a 2000 fitted with a Cummings D...too Old?
How reliable are they?
Other brands?

Welcome to the Forum!

I think there were two lengths, maybe a 37' and a 40', and two engines, maybe a 330hp and a 350hp. That would make a difference to me about what I would pay, all things considered.

Do you know which is which for the one you are looking at?

I am a big Monaco fan but do not own one. Most of the people I know with them love them.

Just an FYI - here's the brochure for the 2000 Monaco Windsor. It appears it was available as 32', 34', 36', 38' and 40', all with the Cummins 330HP ISC engine. That engine, if properly maintained, is a solid power plant. 2000 is definitely not "too old", and there are many other considerations besides age. I'm on my way out the door, but hopefully others will fill in the blanks on what to look for.
I responded to a craigs list ad for  2001 Windsor 38 with 350 HP.  They are asking $47,950 which is mid range between NADA low and average retail.  It was a nice looking unit.  They didn't respond to my email so it may be sold.  If it's still available, I'll check it out and report back.  I'm in California so likely pricing differs a bit.  California is a large and competitive market.         

We owned a 2000 40ft PDF (single slide) Windsor for 9 1/2 years. Its was a great coach. In those days the Windsor was built on the same Chassis as the Dynasty. We traded the Windsor for a 2009 43ft Camelot to get the 4 slides as we are again fulltime RVers and just wanted a little more space.


A friend had a 2000 Windsor - a really nice coach in its day. 

You didn't mention the length or whether it has a slide, so it's hard to judge whether the price is ok or not, but $50k is near top dollar for any of them. Don't be afraid to negotiate hard on the price.

Check out the RVForum Library (button on menu bar) for advice on purchasing an RV, including a checklist for inspecting it. You need to inspect it thoroughly and verify that everything is working. It's more like buying a house than a car.
We had a 1999 Monaco Windsor 34 feet with the Cummins 330 engine and loved it.  That was during Monaco's "glory days" and they were building a nice product.  We later upgraded to a Monaco Executive, again long before their financial problems.

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