2001 four winds hurricane 30Q value

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Jim @ Fran

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2011
Neenah, Wisconsin
local dealer has one for sale for 13,900.00 with 37000 miles on it...gas engine...no slides...new tires and batteries installed by the dealer...looks like new...does this sound like a good deal????                supposedly everything checks out and working etc..looks really clean....one on utube that looks just like it... ....any help will be appreciated...Ford chassis... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctmAiBotGBs
Jim & Fran:
  We did a lot of research on these units about a year and a half ago.  We REALLY liked the floorplan of these units.  We were trying to come to terms with the "no slides" aspect, when we made the fatal mistake of driving a DP.  We were hooked and ended up with the DP.  That said, all the research we did was reasonably positive about these units.  The price you are quoting sounds like a good price if it is in as good a shape as you indicate.  Do your homework, if you are OK with the no slides, I'd say it sounds like a good deal.

Hoping for more input on this...this has a V10 Ford...wondering if someone out there has one and would share estimated gas mileage driving around 60......also we have never had slides so not sure how much that is worth to have or not...Thanks again for any info....
MPG for any Class A gas motorhome is going to be in the 7-8 range.

Slides and extra length are simply for more interior room. The need depends on you and how much time you spend in the RV. Most everybody who says they don't need a slide (or more than 30 ft) changes their mind once they have experienced the extra room. But if you never have it, you don't miss it. Just don't visit your friend's big rig!

As a possible measure, realize that the coach would sell for at least a few thousand more if it has a slide or two.
Thanks Gary...makes a lot of sense...They sold it before we could look at it so that one is gone...Going to check out the slides...thinking the DW will fall in love with the extra room...

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