2003 Coleman Mesa

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Dec 27, 2012
Kansas City area
I am quite new to this, and hopefully you all can enlighten me.

I have read many posts regarding roof issues. Saturday I am going to be looking at a 2003 Coleman Mesa with the intention of purchasing it if it is in good enough shape etc. What should I be looking at regarding the roof leak issues I keep seeing? Will it be apparent, or am I setting myself up for a future surprise?

Another thing I have no knowledge about is a hitch. This trailer has trailer brakes - What type/style of hitch should I get?

I appreciate your help on this.

As for the brakes question.

Do you know if they are electric brakes or Surge brakes?
If electric you will need a 7 way RV wiring plug and a brake controller installed on your tow vehicle. As well as a proper sized ball and hitch based on weight.
If they are surge brakes,  All you will need is a 4 way plug and the proper size ball and hitch based on the total weight and tongue wt of the PUP.

Im sure others will be along and address the roof issues.  My LIMITED knowledge of that might mislead you.

Get it out and use it!!! ;)

What kind of brakes did it end up having?

Was the roof Ok on the outside?
Any signs of leaks on the inside?

OK - until I get the hitch installed on my TV, it will sit in the garage. The seller delivered the PUP (great guy, great experience and it was done via Craigslist BTW).

I just walked out to the garage and took a flashlight over the entire roof - no cracks at all. The entire PUP needs what only a rookie owner can give it - a wash,  wax, vacuuming, and a simple talking to. My wife has never understood why I talk to inanimate objects, but after 30 years she now just ignores me.
The inside of the roof (ceiling) looks great too.

It has electric brakes so I will make sure I have that all covered on the hitch install.

"Get out and use it" - I am ready. Just need it to stop snowing (No, I didn't expect it to snow like this in Kansas in late March)

Safe travels to all

Safe travels and enjoy your PUP. 
We had  a couple pups in the past.  Many great nights and family memories!
It sounds like you may have gotten a good one.  As far as roof leaks, while you mentioned you saw no evidence of any leaks, make sure you check around any roof vents, AC unit (if equipped), anything that sticks out of the roof and seams around the perimeter.  Even the smallest of cracks (pinholes) in the sealant around these items can cause damage.  Sometimes they are very hard to see.  If there is a problem with these models, do the research and take care of it before it does damage to yours.  If in doubt about a particular area, clean it, prep it, and reseal it.  Don't take the chance of a leak and damage during use on a vacation or storage.

If all is well to your satisfaction, enjoy your PUP and happy camping! 

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