2004 Vectra KD TV relacement

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New member
Apr 19, 2019
Replaced the original TV with a VIZIO SMART flat screen. The shop that did the work left the two front speakers NOT working. These are the two that sit left and right under the valance. The surround sound speakers all work both TV and stereo. Is here something they did not hook up?
Also have a humming noise.  Has any one had this problem when TV replaced?
Welcome to the RV Forum mgroessl33

The first thing I would do is take it back to the shop.

If that's not possible......

Then a little more information may be needed.

I'm guessing that the TV sound is routed to the stereo and then to the speakers.

How is the sound connected to the stereo?
Did you change the stereo?
Model of TV?
Model of stereo?
My guess is they turned off the TV sound and only use the surround sound.

We do the same thing with our Vizio because there is a slight delay between the two and it causes an echo effect.

You can go into the sound settings of your TV and see if it's turned down.
Your original glass monster was modified to pick up left-right audio from the TV speakers which fed into the faux QSurround amplifier which is in the bay compartment under the driver's position (front left bay door.)

If the new TV doesn't have variable audio out, then it won't work with your "QSurround" amplifier unless the TV is modified to pick up low level audio out directly off each TV speaker. See my web page in my signature about how to modify a TV for variable audio out.

Most TVs have a fixed low level audio out designed to feed a traditional amplifier which will not work with the QSurround amplifier. The output level of the QSurround is fixed.
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