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Garry G.

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2012
Hi all,
  I'm looking at a 2006 ITASCA SUNRISE 35A with about 16,000 miles.  Should this be a good coach or is age starting to become a factor? I know the mileage is low but it's 7 years old so does age present any significant issues? The asking price is 74,000 is this reasonable?  What abot the Workhorse Chassis?
Have a look here:


When using NADA do not list any extras or options with the exception of miles  for a gasoline engine.

NADA seems to think it it worth: low retail: $66,242 Average:$79,805 
based on depreciation alone.

As Paul has said, it is high. With a dealer you might be able to negotiate down, with a private sale, maybe not because of what the owner still owes on the finance.

With a workhorse chassis, depending on the model, there may be an outstanding recall on the brakes. Otherwise, good chassis and engine. Original tires??, if so they are due to be be changed, regardless of the apparent condition.
Hi Garry - welcome!

Our coach is seven years old (holy cow, where did the years go!) with 75K miles and in excellent condition because we take excellent care of it.  Don't be scared of a unit that is a few years old.  It should be obvious if the owner took care of it (new tires, oil changes, everything works, etc.)

The major issue with WH chassis's as far as I know was the brake debacle - if the brakes have been updated, then I think you're okay.  With WH out of business (or not in the chassis business any longer) that might be a factor, I really haven't kept up with them.

Can't address the asking price - I defer to Paul and Stu.
I don't think the age is significant at all. The chassis is young (mileage is the actor) and a house is not old at 7 years.  Heck, my own RV is almost 9 years old.

What matters is the condition and how well it was maintained. Look for signs that the previous owner gave it plenty of TLC, e.g. records of engine service, cosmetic repairs, etc. Chances are that someone who had routine preventive maintenance done and/or fixed minor flaws was also a careful owner who treated it well in all regards.

One thing: at that age and mileage, I would bet that the tires are original and look excellent. Problem is, tires age whether they are driven or not and they are probably going to need replacement for that reason alone within a year or two. Just something to figure into your plans.

The price does seem a bit high for a 6-7 year old gas chassis coach, but that is very subjective. I would expect an asking price can be negotiated, perhaps quite a bit.
We have the same floor plan and year in the Suncruiser line (which is a level up from the Sunrise line) with W24 chassis which was an upgrade.  I also agree that $74K is $10K too high or even more. The NADA price that was listed prior is also including an allowance for the low milage which most do not consider. Our unit is only at 10K miles and I would be fortunate to get $74K if I was selling in my opinion, even with putting on new tires a year ago and being in excellent condition. We do like the layout of the 35A floorplan.
Thanks for all the input.  I'll post here if I decide to buy it.

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