Please join us for our third annual gathering!!
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Draft Schedule
Friday, May 5
5:30 PM Registration/Reception/Presenter-Participant Exhibit
7:00 Seminar Opening - Bruce Hucko
7:15-8:30 Keynote Speaker
(open and free to the public)
The Moab Photography Symposium is pleased to announce that the 2006 Keynote presentation will be given by:
John Running
John Running is synonymous with the Colorado Plateau and the greater southwest. For the past 35 years he has roamed the canyons and photographed its people from his base in Flagstaff, AZ. To keep personally inspired over the long distance of time, John relies on intimate conversations with his muse. John's keynote "Conversations with my Muse" (working title) will invite all of us into that internal landscape.
Running makes his life and livelihood as a freelance commercial and documentary photographer among the varied cultures in the vast physical beauty of the southwestern United States. He is best known for his work photographing the Navajo people, the largest Native American nation. Originally, photography served Running merely as a documentary tool - an asset to his anthropological studies. "To see, to record, to comment, and to present..." Increasingly, it became and today remains his main love and livelihood.
Running?s credits range from ?People Magazine? to ?Communications Arts Magazine.? His commercial clients include Sterling Commerce, World Photo Press of Japan, Nikon, Lee Jeans and Island Outpost. Photo assignments have taken him to Italy, France, Peru, Palestine, Lebanon, the West Indies and the Bahamas. He has also published seven books, including Honor Dance, Pictures for Solomon, Dancer, Halo of the Sun and The Joy of Partner Yoga.
Of his photography Running says, "Although my photographs may be a personal statement of sorts, they tend to be more of a statement about mankind." Running's art combines the talent of a social anthropologist's perception of cultural flux and change with an artist's sensitivity to psychological power, composition and aesthetic form.
(Please return to this site for John Running photos and workshop information)
8:30 PM Release for Dinner and whatever! Eddie's is our Watering Hole!
Saturday, May 6
AM Free Shoot
9:00 MARC opens
10:30 Opening and Business
11:00-12:00 Feature Presentation I
Creative Mind-Meld with Steve Traudt
Although photography is both art and craft, the artistic side seems to need more care and feeding! Steve shares with you several ideas, philosophies and ?exercises? for enhancing your ?right brain?. From pinhole cameras to scanner art; junk yards to infrared and more. Don?t use half a brain. Anyone can be more creative? really!
12:15-1:15 Feature Presentation II
Building a Better Arch/Art Basics for Photographers with Bruce Hucko
As a visual art form, photography is subject to many of the basic concepts known to painters and sculptors. Hucko will take us on a short hike through the landscape of core art concepts and gestalt principles highlighting how they can be played with by photographers.
1:15-2:00 Break
2:00-3:00 Feature Presentation III
3:30-eve Workshops and Photo Hikes
Workshops [instructional]
1- Elements of Dynamic Composition with Bruce Hucko
2- Box Cutter 101 with Steve Traudt
Guided Photo-Hike [non-instructional]
1- Rock Art Tour with Rory Tyler
Evening Dinner is on your own or with your workshop leader
Sunday, May 7 - at the Moab Information Center (MIC)
9:00-11:00 AM Open House/Image Sharing/Portfolio Review
11:00-11:45 Feature Presentation IV
11:45-12:30 Feature Presentation V
12:30-1:15 Feature Presentation VI
1:15 PM Closing Remarks - Bruce Hucko
Give Us Your Best Shot! - Participants Photo Exhibit
Participants in the 2006 Moab Photo Symposium are invited to bring ONE photograph ready for hanging at the Moab Arts and Recreation Center during the event. One photograph, no larger than 16x20" (including frame) that can hang from a single hook or nail. Photographs will be hung as you arrive for the Friday reception and keynote talk. Photographs must be removed after closing comments on Sunday. A caption card with your name, title, other information and sales price (if any) should be attached and no larger than 3x5".
Gallery - Participants Online Photo Gallery
Participants in the 2006 Moab Photo Symposium are invited to submit their photos taken during the workshops for an online Gallery showcasing their talent.
Contact Info
Registration and General Information
Bruce Hucko, Photographer & Symposium Director
[email protected]
Specific Information or Questions on Symposium or Workshop Content
Bruce Hucko, Photographer & Symposium Director
[email protected]
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