2009 monaco monarch replace flooring

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Active member
Mar 6, 2011
Palm Harbor, Fl
We have a 2009 34 ft RV with one full side slide out and are wondering how best to pursue flooring replacement options.  Currently we have the slide, about a one foot section beyond the slide in, driver section and bedroom all carpeted. The remainder of the flooring is linoleum.  What we would like to do is to totally laminate as much as possible with exception of the driver and passenger cockpit area within the RV.  Question is, can we laminate the slide area?  Can this be done? We did watch a you tube video showing a family doing this. We have been given a quote thus far from our nearby dealer at a total cost of over $6,000 to replace the laminate flooring and carpeting.  This quote seems totally unreasonable. Can a local carpet/laminate person that would do you house be someone we can look at to save a little $$$? Thanks for your help

I hired a handyman type to help and did it myself, including the slide. We used Aclaim (Home Depot or Lowes) and we did leave the cockpit area and BR carpeted. Its not that difficult and cost me about $650 for material and labor to do a 32 ft. MH.

Look around this site and you'll find many excellent descriptions of the process.

WOW- 6 grand for a 34 foot coach- run from that dealer. Most installers can do the job, but they are use to getting paid by the yard or square foot.
In a coach, you can't make any money charging that way. If you guys are able to remove the old material, I can give you some guidelines on how
to proceed.
Thank you to both Ernie's for your response. But can we laminate the slide area or do we just leave it carpet.
Can  you post a couple of photos? That way I can see the direction we need to head. Thanks- lots of options here

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