2010 ciouger fiifth wheel roof vent/ fantistic fan

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Yes and Maybe.

The fantastic fan is designed to fit the standard 14 inch opening.

Even if there is not a dedicated 12 volt wire you can usually fish one to the location.

I bet that you will probably find one there and it is easy to check by removing the lower vent housing before you remove the lid.

A ceiling light near the vent might be a good power source.
We always used the vent covers, so we could keep the vent open when there was a heavy dew or any rain.  Fantastic Vent makes their own covers now, but the Maxxair ones worked fine too.

I have had Camco, Maxaire, and the Ultra Gary linked to. I'll take the Ultra over the others. It allows the vent cover to open farther than the others. Never had a problem with rain getting driven into the Ultra either.

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