2013 shadow cruiser 260 bhs.... good price?

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Feb 14, 2013
St Paul, Mn
Hey everybody,

The wife and I are buying our first trailer.  I am always concerned about getting the best price.  We are looking at a 2013 Shadow Cruiser 260 bhs.  We have a price of 18600.  Does this seem like a deal?  Has the only option pack available. 

What do you all think?

Oh yeah I'm in the twin cities area

cdibbs said:
What do you all think?

Doesn't really matter what we think.  If you're happy, that's all that matters.  Which would you rather have.....The $18K in the bank, or the TT in the driveway?  If you found a floorplan you like, and the price seems reasonable to you, go for it.

You could spend weeks, months, or years penny pinching and forever hunting trying to save a buck or two........or you can buy the unit you really like and get out and go camping.  Life is short. 

Your choice.  :)
I see that model advertised at prices ranging from the high 18's to $26,000+, so I would say that $18,600 is probably reasonable. Does that include the hitch for your tow vehicle and other necessities? If so, you are probably "good to go".
The hitch is in the garage.  I am set to go at that price assuming I pull the trigger.  Any thoughts on the aluminum / foam / fiberglass construction?  I was looking for something light.  I have plenty of T.V.  to pull it with, but I feel that the lighter weight will help in the hills and not create nearly as much wear and tear on my truck.

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