2015 Jayco jayflight

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New member
Sep 8, 2019
I have this trailer 8 days and woke up at 2am to no power ,walked outside to check plug, battery and found the battery had exploded? I disconnected it and I have no power and I?m stationary hooked to electric. Just wondering if there is something I should do besides putting a new battery in? Is there no way to bypass the battery ? Sorry I am clueless for the most part but it?s the middle of the night and I can?t call anyone out until morning. Thanks Tammie I
Welcome to the forum. Using your email address as your handle is not a very good idea. The spam harvesters will harvest your email. Just replace the battery.
I agree, I would start off by just replacing your battery.  Be careful, battery acid is nasty stuff.  Rinse it all away the best you can.  A 2015 Trailer, probably original battery, it would be time.
When the battery failed it probably shorted internally, causing the 12v converter/charger to shut down. May haveblown a fuse on the charger as well.

The likely cause of the battery failure was that it got warm enough to boil away the electrolyte inside. As a battery gets weak or internally corroded, it begins to overheat while at the same time stimulating the charger to try harder to get it charged up. That can lead to "exploded". 

A battery can be bypassed with jumper cables (after removing the damaged battery), but your lack of electrical skills probably puts that out of reach.
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