2019 GD Reflection 303RLS tank level monitor panel not working

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Bob T

Well-known member
May 20, 2014
Afternoon everyone
I’m hoping someone here has some experience with the holding tank level sensing system.

On the convenience center as per attached photo you can check battery state of charge, fresh water tank level, black and 2 grey tank levels.

Battery test works, fresh water works but the black and 2 greys don’t. The lights don’t light at all.

I’ve pulled the panel out and the levels all come off a printed cct board.

Hoping that someone has solved this problem and can possibly point me in the right direction.
Testing procedures, routing of the sensor wires, anything!
Is it a common ground and the sensors connected to positive and run through resistors so different return voltages correspond to levels?

I’ve been looking for some form of drawing online but nothing there.

I know the levels are notorious for being inaccurate but would like to get this thing working while I’m away but seriously thinking about installing the system that is on the outside of the tanks once I get home where I have all my tools etc.


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Cant help with how to get them working but what system are you looking at as a replacement? I couldnt tell you whether mine work or not. They were pretty much useless so i stopped using mine. Would love to find something that works better
I’ve been thinking about See Level sensors but hate the idea of dropping the coroplast to do the job.
Had external sensors on my Winnebago and never a problem.
I’ve been thinking about See Level sensors but hate the idea of dropping the coroplast to do the job.
Had external sensors on my Winnebago and never a problem.
Thanks. I looked into those. They looked great then someone told me they have problems too. Mostly heard good things about them. Dont know what to believe on em so i just go without. None of the oem sensors on my rv are anywhere near accurate.
2 greys don’t. The lights don’t light at all.
The total lack of any lights makes me think that it isn't getting any power. The typical failure of the standard systems is to have a residue inside the tanks that connects between the buttons in the same way that liquid in the tank is intended to do. But that type of failure means extra level lights and not no lights at all. Even with the tanks empty and clean there should be a light at the empty spot. Have you checked for 12V power available to the tank level circuit? The only common power for all 3 tanks is probably on that circuit board. I would look for power to one side of each of the tank switches.

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