2WD Tahoe towing

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Dec 20, 2009
I'm wanting to buy a travel trailer that has a dry weight of 6800 pounds. My Tahoe is rated to tow 8500#, with a weight distribution hitch and anti sway bar should I be good to go as far as safety and capabilities to handle inclines? Don't plan on any mountains as of yet? Thanks for any suggestions
You will be pushing the limit on the Tahoe.  Trailer dry weight is meaningless - you have to weigh it when loaded or estimate to loaded weight. If you don't know, use the GVWR 9maximum weight) as the estimate.

A dry trailer that weighs 6800 lbs will surely be 7800 or more when loaded, carrying propane and water, etc. And the 8500 lb rating does not include any allowance for passengers or gear in the Tahoe. Or even the weight of the WD hitch itself.  If you don't know how much the Tahoe will be carrying, I suggest an estimate of 500 lbs.
Thanks for the advice, going with a truck with a tow rating of 10,200 so I should be good to go. Can't wait to try it out. We are thinking about a trip south where it is warmer, we live in Missouri. Maybe Texas or Florida

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