36ft american rv in spain for newbie

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New member
Nov 2, 2005
thinking of buying 36ft r vision condor petrol/lpg to full time in costa del sol ferengarola. will sites there take this size motorhome or would i be better keeping my 4x4 and caravan thanks
Hi Synseal, that is one small sentence which should generate lots of different answers and opinions.  If you consider the southern Spanish coastline, going round from the Benidorm area, thru Malaga etc and on to the Algarve there are getting on 20 sites which will take a 36 foot 5th wheel.  The problem is finding space - from end December to end of March they are all full to overflowing.  So, if you are content to reserve your pitch months in advance (minimum reservation for that period is usually at least one month) and then not move, you'll be OK. 

Terry (at home in La Manga)
Hi Terry

Who is it taking up all the sites ?

Surely its not all Brits or is it a mix of all Europeans.

Just curious.

I know you are in Florida John but what about you Paul have you made it over there yet.Synseal i know of a very nice motorhome going at a reasonable price 2005 Fleetwood Revolution fulltime in style free UK delivery

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