5er plate weight

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Biker Will

Dec 7, 2012
Help me out here please!!! I am new to the 5er world. I have a 40' thunderbolt xlr 18,000 pounds max loaded weight ordered and I am trying to prep the truck to pull ! 3500 dw crewcab longbed chevy . The salesman is wanting to sell me a 30, 000 plate seems a bit of over kill I am thinking a 24.000 plate is plenty I would think 6000 pounds overrated of the weight would be plenty or am I wrong ? .also can some steer me towards a engine brake system for a 08 duramax.. thanks Will .Happy Holidays  ;D
Personnal feelings, I wouldn't pull your trl with anything less then a Kodiak 4500 or a Ford F-650 MDT, as to the hitch the 24000 is more then enough.
You buy the hitch to meet future needs as well as current, but the odds of ever exceeding 24k seem awful slim.

Make sure that Chevy is actually rated for 18k - that is stretching it for most 3500's.
Thanks for plate info thats more like I was thinking. I had a cdl at one time so I am use too the size .the truck is good for 22, 500 thats 4500 pounds of cushion I have talk to alot of people pulling similar weights (im air bagging the truck )with 1 ton trucks and none said they thought they needed more truck.im not going to be in hurry traveling so if its a windy that ok I will wait to the next day !!Have u personally towed a 40 foot camper with  1 ton dw diesel. If you have I would be happy to hear your input. Going to a 4500 series truck only gets u 2000 pounds additional capicty and slightly larger brakes. I would be very Interested in hearing you input if it is based off  First hand experience.  Happy holidays
The truck is rated for 22500 with a fiver setup the ford  and chevy are both the same
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