5th wheel pin weights

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2017
Avon MN
Looking at larger 5th wheels, they often have pin weights in excess of 2000lbs, i. e. 1 ton. Does this truly mean a dually is required or is it common to add helper springs or the equivalent. I'd like a larger 5th wheel but definitely don't want a dually. Thx to anyone taking the time to offer advice.
Sounds like you want a dually for that pin weight. Airbags or helper springs could make it work. However with that pin weight I’m guessing your in 40’ range.
I was in same boat and went witH the 37 1\2’ with lower pin weight so I could stick with SRW. NO REGRETS.
I do still have airbags with on board air. No regrets there either.
2000 lb pin weight isn't even a big 5W - I had a 29 foot King of the Road that exceeded that. 2000 is pin weight for an 8,000-10,000 lb GVWR. Many 3/4 ton trucks can handle that much cargo/pin weight and more.
Looking at larger 5th wheels, they often have pin weights in excess of 2000lbs, i. e. 1 ton. Does this truly mean a dually is required or is it common to add helper springs or the equivalent. I'd like a larger 5th wheel but definitely don't want a dually. Thx to anyone taking the time to offer advice.
What are you calling a large 5er ? Our 44ft TH when loaded + gas & water can go over 4000 pin with a 20K GVWR & there are heavier/longer RV's .However I almost never fill fresh water or put fuel in the aux tank just to keep my wieght down.
I have a 43' toy hauler and it puts over 4,000 pounds on the hitch. Depending on the trailer you have in mind, you should plan on a hitch weight of 21 or 22 percent of max gross weight of the trailer when you load for the Grand Canyon or Alaska. You could certainly be into new truck territory. That 4,000 pounds on the hitch just barely nudged my axle over 9,000 pounds. Do your research first matching the truck and trailer together on paper before you spend a fist full of dollars. By the way, I have a '21 Silverado, diesel, dually, 2WD. The dually is slightly more stable in crosswinds also.

Now that I’ve towed with a dually, I’m not sure I’d ever want to go back! The experience is SO much more stable and stress free. My dually has also been my daily driver for 4+ years now and it’s really no big deal. Probably depends on where you live (street parking, challenging but not impossible) and how much you care about automatic car washes (not possible). 😉
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iirc ford srw rear gawr can run 6k to 9k lbs so it should be doable. personally i would leave a lot of wiggle room. Dont know about other manufacturers. That 2k tongue weight can be a lot more when you are bouncing down the road on some of the roads out there. The closer you are to the weight ratings the more careful you have to be while driving.

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