9"-10" Tablet computers

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2010
Springfield, Mo.
I don't want a Chevy vs Ford fight here, but my DW mentioned getting a tablet and gave me the job of trying to figure out what would be best for us.

Where we are
1. We each have a new 17.3" laptop with nearly all applications we need except for video processing.
2. I have a heavy duty desktop for video processing, etc.
3. We are not interested in a smart phone for any other purpose than talking on the phone.
4. We have a Verizon MiFi 2200 (3g) hotspot for Internet access at home and on the road.

Why a tablet?
The only reason (at this time) for getting a tablet is for ease of checking email and quickie Internet browsing while sitting in the living room in our recliners - we are basically lazy.

I've been looking at a 16GB iPad 3 and a Samsung Galaxy 16GB, but I don't know much about the Android 4.0 O/S.  Then there are Windows O/S tablets I haven't really investigated yet.

So, what are your recommendations and why?  Are there any iPad or Android apps you use while on the road that you deem really good for RVing?
I suspect that either the Samsung Galaxy (Android) or the iPad (Apple) would do what you want. Android is rather more open, while Apple tends to be very finicky about what is allowed to be used with their machines (they even didn't have replaceable batteries, in at least some of their systems) -- either way could be an advantage, depending on your viewpoints. Personally I've been against Apple because of their closed systems and, more recently, because of company policies/actions. Of course many folks would disagree with me.

So do some research on features/prices/expandability and decide how you feel about one or another company, then choose.
Anyone have any experience with the HP Envy x2?  HP says it's a notbook and a tablet - separates to become a tablet.

How about an HP Slate 2?
I have an Acer A700 tablet and it is running the Android System.

One of the few electronic gizmo's that I have purchased that was actually fairly new (as in the age of the model) instead of buying the next model down.

I love it and it is my Electronic brain for work.

There are numerous tablet apps that can be handy on the road - several campground guides, digital maps, locators for fuel & restaurants, Passport America directory, Walmart directories,  and on and on and on...

Android or Apple, take your pick. Android has more app and hardware choices, while Apple apps are smoother and better integrated with each other. And cost a bit more.

My wife kidded me when I bought a Xoom tablet 18 months ago. We now have two Android tablets (Moto Xoom 10" and Samsung Galaxy Tab 7) plus a Nook ereader and she is an avid user of all three. Email, Facebook, games (both solitaire and social), and reading.
Larry N. said:
Personally I've been against Apple because of their closed systems and, more recently, because of company policies/actions.
I agree with you a 100%. and I do like the I phone.
Like others have said there are quite a few apps specifically for the RV group.  The one I like the best right now is rvchecklist.  Since you have two new laptops and they are not apple products, I would suggest getting an android tablet.  The android experience is much closer to a windows experience IMHO.  But there is now a fourth option.  The chromebook at less than two hundred dollars appears to be poised to leap into the fray big time.  If your laptops were apples I would say get an ad for the simple fact the learning curve is pretty fast plus all your apple stuff can be linked together thru iCloud.
donn said:
Like others have said there are quite a few apps specifically for the RV group.  The one I like the best right now is rvchecklist.  Since you have two new laptops and they are not apple products, I would suggest getting an android tablet.  The android experience is much closer to a windows experience IMHO.  But there is now a fourth option.  The chromebook at less than two hundred dollars appears to be poised to leap into the fray big time.  If your laptops were apples I would say get an ad for the simple fact the learning curve is pretty fast plus all your apple stuff can be linked together thru iCloud.

That's not as big of a deal as you think. You can install the iCloud control panel on a windows PC, and have the benefits of the photo stream, calendar, contacts, mail, and bookmark syncing. My vote is for the iPad. It's fast, built tough, has a beautiful screen and very intuitive controls. I have personally demoed android and windows tablets and have not been impressed with their build quality, looks, weight, sluggishness. I have always been impressed with Apple's hardware. Yes, they are more expensive. But you get what you pay for, and it will last you a lot longer.

We have an ASUS TF700 Andriod 10" pad with the detachable keyboard.  Had it about 3 months.  The screen is amazing with the stunning resolution and color.  Two cameras with many options.  Microphone/speakers etc.

The app universe is almost infinite as far as I can tell, type in anything you want to do and someone probably wrote an app for it.  It has GPS and with a map app, it gives you 8-10 hours of large display GPS information and there are mounts to put it in a visible location for most vehicles. 

Still learning about Android though and will probably never learn it as well as windows... one example, still don't know how to integrate the Android into the local (home) network of pc's.  The tablet sees the wireless router easily and does all the chrome stuff, syncs with the pc's via google.  But to see the files on the tablet, the only way I know is to plug it into the pc with a USB cable, then the directories of the tablet show on the pc.

It is very portable and easy to carry.  Need to buy a case for it though.

If you have questions, just ask.
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