95 fleetwood wilderness

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Feb 5, 2013
hey guys,
I'm looking into buying a 95 fleetwood wilderness. it has everything we want. what do you think is a fair price for this unit? Its 23 feet. one thing im a little worried on is the fact that it has a rebuilt title. should i just completely stay away from a rebuilt title? thanks for any help on this.
There is way to much stuff which can be unseen damage. Was it a flood recovery, if so, it could develop mold issues. If it was in an accident did they get the frame stright, if not you may have some dog legging problems. I would only buy it, if it was supper cheap!!!
Thanks for the response, I think i will be better off just staying away from it. I think they want way more than its worth. I think I could talk them down a little but at this point, I just dont think its worth it.
The only 23' Wilderness that NADA shows is $860 so that tells you what it might be worth if it had  a clear title.  I would want it very, very cheap and hopefully be able to find out why the title shows rebuilt.  Even if you get it for $1000 or less, if it is full of mold you will not be happy.  Good luck.
WOW... thanks COMer. that response was enough to walk away.. they want way more than 860.00 bucks. looks like its time to find some other TT's
It's pretty hard to assign value to an older rig and condtion is everything.  I think you are wise to look elsewhere.  In our area, Craig's List offers some good bargains.  Have you tried them?  You can search your area and then widen the area to see if there is something worth takng a drive to see.  At this time of the year. prices should be down and you may eventually find a good deal on just what you want.

Book value doesn't mean much of anything on a 18 year old RV that was inexpensive tobegin with. You need to assess the condition of everything. If you aren't knowledgeable enough to do that, you probably should be buying something newer.

The forum Library has checklists for Rv Buyers - those should help make a decision.

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