A & E Awning frame repair

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Mar 4, 2012
The wind damaged one of the "slide support" brace on the awning.  The top bracket actually broke where the "slide support" attaches.  I have the new bracket and it has a pin that holds the support to the bracket. How does that pin attach?  It looks like a rivet maybe.  It has a head on one end and a hollow portion on the other.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
SteveandBarbara said:
The wind damaged one of the "slide support" brace on the awning.  The top bracket actually broke where the "slide support" attaches.  I have the new bracket and it has a pin that holds the support to the bracket. How does that pin attach?  It looks like a rivet maybe.  It has a head on one end and a hollow portion on the other.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

It is a rivet but can be replaced by a bolt and locking nut, just be sure of clearances.  You can set a replacement rivet if you have the tools.  It may be possible to use a pop rivet if you have one of the right material and size.

FWIW, I had a problem with a foot on a brace  being destroyed, don't ask in front of my wife, and bolted the replacement in place about 12 years ago, still there and works fine.
Did you get a new pin with it? If you need to get the old pin out drill or grind the flaired end just enough to get to the base material. Then punch the old pin out. To flair out the new pin put it in then take a ball bearing of the right size and a C Clamp to force it into the end of the pin. I actually keep an assortment of different size  balls when i have changed out bearings cause they come in handy. Or grind the end of a piece of round stock then cut it off short to use in the end as a Flairing tool. If not like was said just bolt it..
Jim in Minn
Evil Santa said:
Did you get a new pin with it? If you need to get the old pin out drill or grind the flaired end just enough to get to the base material. Then punch the old pin out. To flair out the new pin put it in then take a ball bearing of the right size and a C Clamp to force it into the end of the pin. I actually keep an assortment of different size  balls when i have changed out bearings cause they come in handy. Or grind the end of a piece of round stock then cut it off short to use in the end as a Flairing tool. If not like was said just bolt it..
Jim in Minn
Some really good ideas. Thanks
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