A few more tiger photos

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
There were about a dozen tigers at the tiger ranch and my favorite was Boris. He was a big male 2 years old orange tiger that clearing liked me a lot. I was not allowed in the cage with Boris since they were babysitting him for a circus. They had not raised him and trained him so they did not trust him enough to allow me into the cage. So when the three of us approached his enclosure Boris came straight over to me and lay down on the ground in front of me, rubbing his head up against the wires and making some strange noises. Not growls, meows or purrs like you would think, but some strange low volume noises. He was clearly begging to be scratched.

I was not allowed to touch him and so I did not try and stick my hand through the wires to pet him, I didn't want to end up like Django Reinhardt. :-\ I could not photograph him when he was 1 foot away with a chain link fence between us, so I moved over to try and get a shot. Every time I moved he moved to be as close to me as possible. Boris was lonely.

The photo of Serena with Sampson on top was not posed by the trainer. Right after we got into the cage they assumed this position and stayed there for about 30 seconds allowing me to take many shots of the same pose. Good tigers ;D


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In your other thread you were trying to describe the sound of the Tiger, It is called "Chuffing" It's kind of their greeting sound. It let's you know that they like you. Although they may be thinking they would like you for a meal. LOL

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