a rainbow through a camera's eye

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2005
Have you ever tried to photograph a rainbow?

I have with very mediocre results.

Take a look at these pictures of a single rainbow at deep dusk:



I guess it might sound a tad repetitive but heck, WOW! is the best I can offer too.

I have taken photos for many years yet seeing a shot like that just takes my breath away and all I can do is sit at my monitor and marvel at Mother Nature strutting her stuff. Wonderful.
OK, wow has been used up.  Un-freakin-believable comes to mind!  As in WOW, not as in I don't believe it.  Toughest part of photography is being in the right place at the right time.  second toughest is getting it recorded. 

2 fer 2.

third is to impress others,
you are 3 fer 3.

Now to make a million bucks off the image!  I can see the posters now.
Wow! Great photos. Did you find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow by thoses trees?  ;D

Wow! Great photos. Did you find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow by thoses trees?

No, no, No!  These are NOT my photographs.  They are taken by the fella who put them on the Missouri web site and who offered the explanations of how he took them.

I've had miserable results with the few rainbows I've tried to capture; I suspected my framily friends would also have had poor results; so, having come across this site I though I'd point it out.

Sorry to have mislead you folks.



Toughest part of photography is being in the right place at the right time.

Read my post to Bruce--these are NOT my pics.

However, you are so right: being in the right place, at the right time, and having the right eyes is often behind a great image.


Well, kudos to the photographer.  Rainbows are a bear to direct.  Move there, give me some, oh yeah.... just doesn't work!
Here is a photo of the rainbow over our Eagle we took two years ago in Brenda AZ.  This was one that you could see the complete rainbow from end to end and there weren't no Pot of Gold at either end. :


  • Rainbow over the Eagle (Large).jpg
    Rainbow over the Eagle (Large).jpg
    53.3 KB · Views: 36
I wish I could remember who took the picture, it was taken with a Canon EOS Rebel camera and the rainbow was over our coach at QZ in 2005.


  • our_camp_at_qz_2005_4x6 (Large).jpg
    our_camp_at_qz_2005_4x6 (Large).jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 30
Take a look at these pictures of a single rainbow at deep dusk:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just gorgeous!  Thank you for sharing.  :D  :D


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