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Ernie Ekberg

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
this is what you can do if you have that dreaded 4 letter word- time- on your hands
I hope the interior is that nice


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Can you imagine being behind it in direct sunlight! You could get a sunburn, LOL!

Awesome restore on that skin!
So, being such a newbie to this hobby, I have to ask. Are the Airstreams worth the price? Do they hold their value more? I know they have quite a loyal following. They seem to be nicely furnished and designed. Is it prestige? Is it hype? I haven't seen any in person, but what I have seen online has been pretty impressive. They seem to demand more (even used) than their similarly furnished competitors of comparable size.

Let's hear from the haters AND the fanboys... :)

I like the red and white GMC parked next to it as well. :)

Airstream usually built to higher standards, like using teak instead of particle board.
Nothing wrong with particle board, if you cover it with wood grained paper or avocado green shag carpet. :D 8)

Things may have changed over the years, but I used to notice that if there was more than one Airstream trailer in a campground, they were parked side by side and the owners spent their entire time comparing age, condition and features of their rigs.  They only acknowledged the surrounding campers if they stopped by to "admire" their Airstream.  Of course, I was always a bit jealous.  Maybe that's why I would use the CG rear entrance to reach my 16' Coachman. ;D
A prestigious Airstream dealer is in my neighborhood. The mohos are super rare, only a couple per year filter thru. However the trailers...very popular. Pricey. I don't know how they compare to other trailers but they are all  ~$45k to $90k (new) which seems like a lot for a trailer. Amazing value-holding power. They have very clever layouts & neat designs w/high style. The space inside is cool. Definitely a premium feel. No idea about construction, but superficially it looks "better" than standard issue for sure. This dealership also has a non-stop flow of remodels. Frame up restorations. They look vintage on the outside and only as new as you want on the inside. The remodels are spectacular. Hollywood & corporate jobs are typical. They have the shiny skin panels on hand and bend them & cut them to fit any installation or repair need. Grand Rapids, MI
IMO the Airstream motorhomes never achieved the cachet that the trailers did. Most of them were "just another class A motorhome", above entry level but not really exceptional. I guess the Class A competition was tougher than the trailer market, so was harder to stand out.  The aluminum skinned model above is an exception, at least on the outside.

You can view the history of Airstream motorhome models from the 70's to the present. Some photos and a lot of original documents, specs, price lists, etc.
When we were shopping for our first TT, we thought that Airstream was made to a very much higher standard than any of the others.

There were two drawbacks for us.  First, foot by foot, the Airstreams were about 50% more expensive than the others and, second, foot by foot they weighed about 50% more than the others.

We still never go by a well maintained Airstream without a pang of envy......

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