Ac replacement

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I actually have read that article already. I know my current ac unit which no longer works is original to the RV. And the thermostat controls both the furnace and the AC so I know I need a compatible thermostat if I choose to replace everything. I'm doing all this myself so just the more knowledge I gain the better.
I just installed a 3rd AC unit on mine. It's quite a job. Mine would be much more work than yours but it's no simple job by yourself like I was.
Have you thought about how you are going to get the old unit down and the new unit up on the roof?
I use a 20' extension ladder to slide the ACs up and down. Slide new unit up in the box, slide old unit down in the same box.

Have you thought about how you are going to get the old unit down and the new unit up on the roof?
I use a 20' extension ladder to slide the ACs up and down. Slide new unit up in the box, slide old unit down in the same box.

Yes, my friend has a tractor with forks and we are going to do it that way. Thank you for asking as well as your suggestion on the way you did yours. If they weren't so heavy I'd throw them off the roof on the ground (the old one) 🤣🤣
My front end loader and forks raises 14' according to the specs. The tractor is a JD 5090 which is 90 HP. With a pallet and AC unit and tools on the forks it lifted just above the rooftop. Of course I didn't have to take one down but I couldn't have put that one up without it.
OK, when you say condenser are you meaning the compressor part that pumps the coolant, or the aluminum heat exchangers?

If the compressor motor doesn't start there's a possibility that the problem is a burned out capacitor. Easy to replace and not expensive when compared to a whole new unit.

My AC units are 18 years old. When one of mine stopped and blew out a cloud of foul smelling smoke that's all it took to bring it back from the dead.
The condensing unit has multiple components. Some components are easily repaired but some not. Be sure its not something that can be fixed. That would save lots of time and money. I have a roof mounted unit that is 25 years old. At one point it sat over 5 years. Still working well. Minor repairs needed all major components still original.

How were you able to get through this past Summer ? Very hot.
She said condenser. I'm assuming she means the condensing coil. Obviously the condenser fan can be replaced at a reasonable cost. Maybe her unit is just dated and she wants a new one.
I have actually already replaced the capacitor, that was the first thing I went to. Also, I apologize it's the compressor that doesn't ever kick on. Just blows air. My brain is all over the place between working 12-16 hour shifts, packing to move and fixing my camper. So much going on with so little time!
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