AC water stains on windows

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RV Wanderer

New member
Jan 7, 2010
Any ideas on how to remove the water stains that form when water drains from the AC?  It runs down the back window and leaves a white residue.  Thanks.
It's a mineral deposit of some sort, either from the water in the air or the whitening agent in the roof fabric (if you have an EPDM rubber roof).  Have you tried the usual glass cleaners, e.g. an ammonia+water solution?  Lime Away is another product that is often useful for removing common calcium-based mineral deposits.  Mineral spirits works good if the deposit is oil or paint based.

And then there are always car polishes, or rubbing compound for extreme cases.
I would take Gary's advise then wax the area really well to prevent the water mark from starting again. A high quality wax would prevent the whole thing from occurring.
Lime away or CLR will take it off. Just clean the window well after using then wax it to prevent  future issues.
You might want to change the pitch of your trailer just a little also to have it run off one corner and miss the window?

Just a thought.
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