Added fuel capacity options for gas truck?

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Gas aux tanks are double walled unlike diesel tanks. You need spmething like this roadvault
Gas aux tanks are double walled unlike diesel tanks. You need spmething like this roadvault
While Roadvault does have double wall tanks, they also have single wall tanks. P. 8, 9, 10 of the brochure (PDF pages 5 &6) The brochure does not seem to specify the double wall for gas and single wall for diesel, rather it simply describes the double wall as "for peace of mind"

While Roadvault does have double wall tanks, they also have single wall tanks. P. 8, 9, 10 of the brochure (PDF pages 5 &6) The brochure does not seem to specify the double wall for gas and single wall for diesel, rather it simply describes the double wall as "for peace of mind"

My knowledge is canadian sorry i should have said that. In canada it has to be double walled i dont know about the states specifically but even titan tank (a US company) only sells diesel tanks for that reason. Rules by state may vary?
Here's a serious suggestion. Talk to your local fire marshal. They have deep and current knowledge about volatile fuels. Can probably make good suggestions how to accomplish your goals safely.
I may end up with SxS next year-Still thinking. But if I do I’d be pulling double out west and man will it be great to be able to go from point to point with no fuel stops. Pack her full when I’m camping and not pulling with cheaper fuel and no worries about getting in and out.
3 years ago I requested a quote for a 50 gallon aux fuel tank and pump/nozzle kit from Auxiliary Fuel Tanks
At the time these were the only ones I could find that were for Gasoline.
Quote was for $1100 plus shipping and handling.
The only problem I had was it takes up bed space, for the most part "permanently".

So I opted to go with 8 - 5 gallon Jerry cans from Harbor freight.
These are "Midwest Brand Jerry cans". Midwest was the ones that were highly recommended. I upgraded the fuel caps to These.
I also purchased this Fuel pump kit.
Had a friend weld up 2 racks that hold the cans up and I ratchet strap them to the front area of the truck bed. I can remove them if I need to use the whole bed.

The cost going this route 3 years ago was under $700
I bought the cans when on sale plus got an extra 10% off getting a Harbor freight credit card. And the fuel pump kit was about $200 cheaper.
The only CON I have with this set up is having to move hose from Jerry can to Jerry can.

I recently came across these Jerry cans.
If I needed more I would buy some, but at this time I don't need any.
3 years ago I requested a quote for a 50 gallon aux fuel tank and pump/nozzle kit from Auxiliary Fuel Tanks
At the time these were the only ones I could find that were for Gasoline.
Quote was for $1100 plus shipping and handling.
The only problem I had was it takes up bed space, for the most part "permanently".

So I opted to go with 8 - 5 gallon Jerry cans from Harbor freight.
These are "Midwest Brand Jerry cans". Midwest was the ones that were highly recommended. I upgraded the fuel caps to These.
I also purchased this Fuel pump kit.
Had a friend weld up 2 racks that hold the cans up and I ratchet strap them to the front area of the truck bed. I can remove them if I need to use the whole bed.

The cost going this route 3 years ago was under $700
I bought the cans when on sale plus got an extra 10% off getting a Harbor freight credit card. And the fuel pump kit was about $200 cheaper.
The only CON I have with this set up is having to move hose from Jerry can to Jerry can.

I recently came across these Jerry cans.
If I needed more I would buy some, but at this time I don't need any.
This has bumped me from 32 gallons to 72. Gives me a little piece of mind.
In a past life I did a camper setup on a chevy S10 and explored aux fuel tanks. One that I looked at fit in the spot the spare tire resided. Never ended up doing it, but just wondering if there are any aux fuel tanks made like that anymore, with the tradeoff being having to find a new spot for the spare or not having one.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
thx everyone. no directly connect option for gasoline but a 50+ gallon tank with a pump to supplement the stock tank for manual fuel transfer looks like a suitable solution.
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