Adding Skype etc to our Profiles?

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Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Adelaide, South Australia
Gary and folks, at present we are able to indicate a number of IM contacts in our profiles. Things change in the IT world, sometimes they change fast, sometimes they change greatly. One thing that has changed, and may have already taken a hold with this Forum's Framily, is the newcomer IM tools like Skype and Gizmo and new technologies like SIP phone.

If there is enough interest would there be a way to indicate ID's for these new-kids-on-the-block in personal communications?

My ID: burka_oz

(now offering a free Area 775 service number that will refer callers to your gizmo SIP number)
My ID: burka_oz
My SIP: (to PC only) 1-747-638-7778

I need to do some other customization of the profile template one of these days and, if there's enough interest at that time, I could add a Skype field. Meanwhile, why not just add it to the signature line in your profile?
If you modify the profile, how about just adding a Notes field where miscellaneous data (such as a SIP phone #) could be added.  As opposed to creating specific fields for Skype, SIP, etc.  You could go crazy trying to keep up with the latest technologies, only a few of which will have any long term significance.
RV Roamer said:
You could go crazy trying to keep up with the latest technologies, only a few of which will have any long term significance.

I agree Gary.
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